On Wednesday, the Mexican musical legend that is Vicente Fernandez released a video which makes it clear that he is Team Hillary Clinton all the way. The song featured in the video, “El Corrido de Hillary Clinton” is in Spanish because OF COURSE IT IS; it’s Chente for crying out loud.
This particular corrido-style endorsement is set to the tune of his very popular song “Los Mandados,” about an undocumented Mexican immigrant that keeps getting caught and deported, but won’t give up.
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The tune is familiar, but the words have been changed to encourage Latino unity and votes for Hillary Clinton this November. At the closing of the video, Fernandez looks directly into the camera and addresses Hillary Clinton herself. He asks her not to forget his beloved Mexican and Latino brothers (and sisters) when she becomes president. He sends her a hug, blesses her and promises to come and visit when she becomes president. If Clinton isn’t already motivated enough, I’m sure the promise of a serenade from Fernandez is sure to get her amped up.
In case you are wondering, the video is NOT endorsed by Hillary Clinton. It was produced by the Latino Victory Project, “a movement that builds power in the Latino community so the voices and values of Latinos are reflected at every level of government and in the policies that drive our country forward.” Actress Eva Longoria is one of the co-founders of the group.
ALSO READ: 13 Tweets That Perfectly Describe #GrowingUpMexican
As a fan of Chente and someone who plans on voting for Clinton (I won’t even try to pretend that this is a non-partisan post), I’m loving this song and video. Check it out for yourself.
Listen to Chente, gente! Your vote is your voice. Please vote this coming November.
Por please, if you are eligible to vote and haven’t yet registered. Get on it! You can click on this link to register to vote. It will take you about two minutes or less to register.
This is great. We visited his horse farm outside Guadalajara in January.
I just went over and checked out your post. Very cool. I’m so glad you shared.