Guess who spent two nights away from her family? Me!!! I went to the BlogHer ‘14 Conference and had a blast.
I’m not going to pretend that it isn’t some kind of liberating to go off on my own and mingle with other women from the blogosphere because it is, it is! I love my kids and hubby, but women of the blogosphere they are not.
Anyway, I tell you this because while I was away I wanted to make sure that my family knew that I was thinking about them, so I sent a text that was meant to say, “Hey! I love you guys.” What I wrote was not quite what I meant to write and I may have given my hubby reason to worry about me being off on my own at a convention.
Here’s what I wrote and his response:
Now, it’s true that I am fond of “guys,” but that’s not something that I would randomly text my husband, just as I’m sure that he admires ladies, but he best not send me a text about it because…well, let’s just say I wouldn’t appreciate it.
Have you ever sent a Freudian text?
I’m sure that he admires ladies, but he best not send me a text about it because…well, let’s just say I wouldn’t appreciate it.
ajajajaja Loca!!
I’m telling you, even when I’m trying to be good, I’m bad. I give up.
I’m sure it was great break from the routine. Given the sponsor of the conference I’ll assume there were very few guys there. They do let guys attend right?
Yes, there were some men there. They appeared to be enjoying themselves.
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S® 4 zoom™, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
——– Original message ——–
Auto correct is a trip! That’s why I avoid texts if possible and just call, LOL
ahahahah!! Definitely a Freudian slip! So you were at Blogher?! Waiting for your review of the conference!! 😀
Haha! Keep him on his toes!
It’s totally funny because I did it, if he had done it, I would not have been amused. Hahaha…
IA few nights ago, while on his way to Germany, Mr.4444 had a connecting flight in Amsterdam, and while he was waiting there, he thought it would be funny to Fb Check-in to the “Red LIght District”. That’s it; no goofy comment, just a check-in. I was NOT amused and commented that I hoped he liked his new home, because he wasn’t coming back to ours. He didn’t see it or reply, so I called him long distance (which I never do) on his company phone and told him he was an asshole. He said, “Aw, I was just trying to be funny.” Not funny. Not funny at all. [and the post came down, with an apology] Yours? funny.
Yeah, I would not have been amused by that at all.