Walking down Polk Street, killing time before an appointment on a grey day, I see the pop of color in my periferal vision as I cross Austin Street. Vibrant art covers what would otherwise be boring walls and the street turns into an open-air art gallery. The space for artists from all over the world to showcase their work is provided by Wallspace SF.
San Francisco, CA.
I showed you mine, now show me yours.
Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography carnival or photography meme (with or without words) that not only lets you share your part of the world, but lets you visit other parts of the world virtually. If you link up, please link back or post the Sundays In My City button either in your post or sidebar to let people know that other bloggers are sharing their communities too. Happy trails!

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Seriously, your SIMC posts make me all kinds of homesick but I can’t help but look for them every week! Beautiful art that gets to be enjoyed without limitation, got nothing but love for that.
It’s so good to see art not just tags which are too common in Helsinki.
Street art is good for all of us!
This street art is amazing. The talent of these artists should be on display and what better place than the walls of the city.
So much colour in your world. I love it.
Very cool! Would love to have such organic art around here… but since Charleston is all about historic preservation we don’t really get that…
Wow! Those are colorful!
Very cool art! I can’t help but appreciate the name of the street, as well. It makes me feel like we’re not so far apart, after all.
I love wall art. I too have a collection of pictures of murals around the city of Toronto
I just love the walls. That first one is incredible!
SF makes great use of its wall space.
Be well, UM.
Have a great Sunday, friend.
I woke up with nothing for Sunday’s post. This post was my inspiration for the Gumbo’s weekly post. Thanks.
Well, you’re welcome.
Delicious graffiti, I like. The last picture is a very good composition.
Neat stuff! I love road art.
I love the street art, so glad to be back and come check in on you. hope you are all well. hugs.
I am well. I hope you are too!
San Francisco, CA!
What a GRAND place to live, Mami :))))
I think this is a great idea. I think street art is a totally under appreciated art form and more urban spaces should be provided for it.
This graffiti reminds me of the movie Exit Through the Gift Shop? Have you seen it?
No, I haven’t seen it. Should I?
It’s actually a really good documentary. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0b90YppquE I think you can find the whole thing on youtube in sections.