I don’t know what it is about remote controls and babies, but they go together like crack and whack so I can only assume that remote controls are crack for babies. You can put a baby in a room full of the best toys in the universe and a dirty old remote control and the baby will go for the remote control EVERY SINGLE TIME.
This addiction to remote controls can even lead to criminal behavior in otherwise law-abiding children. I know from experience. Years ago when my eldest, Put Pie, was 18 months old, we took a trip to Miami, Florida and stayed in a nice hotel. Right away Put Pie found the remote control in our room and took hold of it.
At some point, we couldn’t find it. We didn’t think much of it because surely it would turn up, it had to be somewhere in the room. Well it did turn up, all the way across the country when we unpacked our bags in San Francisco, California. It seems that our little remote control junkie was so enamored of the device that she hid it in our luggage and we unwittingly stole it from the hotel. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that my child would turn me into a remote control mule. ¡Qué vergüenza!
ALSO READ: 2-Year-Old’s Video to Mom Proves That No One Will Ever Love You as Much as Your Kids
Perhaps you think I am exaggerating and unnecessarily worrying you about the addictive nature of remote controls on babies. I’m not and I have irrefutable VIDEO proof that remote controls are crack for babies. Check out the video below and notice how amped up and crazy this baby gets when the remote control comes near. It’s not natural, I tell you!
That’s a cute video! Not too many gadgets around when my children were growing up.