Once upon a weekend, my husband and I were minding our own business when our two daughters stormed into our bedroom and demanded a piano.
A piano, you guys?! Like we could just pull one out of our you know whats.
Well, we have no room for a piano, nor do we have a budget for piano lessons for the two of them. We gave them a solid-ish, “No!”
But our children are persistent: They whined, they pleaded, they threatened and we are wussy weaklings that can’t stand up to them so instead we decided to lie. We told them that in between their whining, tantrum throwing and timeouts we had made a few calls and found the perfect piano for them to call their own.
As you can imagine, they were so excited; they wanted to go get the piano immediately. That’s when we told them there was just one small condition. The condition being that the piano could not come home with us, the piano must stay where it is, but they are welcome to go play it whenever they want. They didn’t care, they just wanted to go see the piano like right NOW!
We got in the car and drove for about 50 minutes from San Francisco to Petaluma, CA. We parked the car and walked around for a bit before we came across this street piano just sitting there looking pretty. “Go play your freakin’ piano!” I demanded and so they did.
I’m TOTALLY kidding.
None of this is true except for the part where we went to Petaluma on the weekend and came across a street piano. The rest is just me having fun putting words together.
Petaluma, California
If you’d like to learn more about the public pianos in Petaluma, you can check out this article:
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