Why do I bother making Wednesday Wishes every week? Why do I encourage you to make Wednesday Wishes no matter what day of the week it is? Why do I believe the Universe is abundant and wants to make our wishes come true? Because it has been proven to me time and time again that being able to name what it is that I want and being able to voice it, is the first step toward getting it.
It’s not about wishing for ridiculous things that we can’t actually wish into existence like, “I want to have all the money in the world because then my life would be perfect.” That is a silly wish because it’s impossible AND you shouldn’t have all the money in the world. What about all the other people?
What you really want is to have enough money so that money doesn’t seem like the answer to all your problems. So maybe the first time you start off by wishing for something silly like “let me have all the money in the world,” but the next time you wish you get more comfortable asking for what you really want like enough money to go to school or travel or pay for health insurance. Then something seemingly magical starts to happen. You start to think of ways you might be able to get more money into your life, opportunities present themselves and you say “yes” instead of “no” because you feel ready to bring more money into your life.
The more you make wishes on behalf of yourself and others the better you get at it. You begin to realize that sometimes you don’t even know what you should be wishing for so you wish for guidance, opportunities or flexibility to see things other than the way you’ve always seen them.
You might think this is some hokey caca, but it’s really not. It’s really just a way to retrain your way out of thinking that the things you want are impossible, that you are not worthy of what you want, that what you want can never happen to you. It’s a way of taking care of yourself by regularly allowing yourself to believe in the possibilities of your life, of your soul, of this world.
So, don’t be a kitty cat, holmes! Wish and wish often.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week…
For myself:
- I have been feeling ashamed of my fitness level. For example, my husband was like, “Hey, what if I get a bike rack attachment for the car so we can all go for bike rides on the weekends?” As you know, Universe, I am a dork and LOVE riding my beach cruiser, but it has no speeds and I live in San Francisco. I told hubby, “I don’t know. I think I need a new bike first, one with speeds.” He reminded me that I used to ride my beach cruiser all over the place and I told him that I am no longer as fit as I used to be. He came back with “Well, don’t you think this will help you get more fit?” Duh?! Of course I know that’s the truth, but visions of me wheezing and panting after barely being on the bike make me feel defeated before I even start. Here’s the thing, I would NEVER judge someone else for sweating or challenging themselves physically so why, oh why, am I doing it to myself? My wish is for me to get over my shizz and go smile like a maniac while I pedal my way to a fitter, stronger me.
- I’m so excited about the girls being out of school for the summer. I look forward to sleeping in and spending more time with them. Remind me when I get grumpy or frustrated that I can’t get as much work done when they are home that this is a blessing, that working from home and having my girls with me is a wonderful thing.
ALSO READ: Maybe It’s Not the End of the World If You Give up on Your Dreams
For others:
- JusTina needs an infusion of cash, somewhere above the $200 range. Can you pretty please send some clever, creative and unexpected ways to get that money into her life? Nothing illegal because $200 would not cover bail money.
- Will wouldn’t mind “significant” lottery winnings. In the meantime perhaps send him a job offer. He’s on several hiring lists including one to be a MUNI Station Agent, which he would be perfect for—I know because I am a MUNI rider and I know Will and just do it already!
- Chris would like some fantastic weather around 75° for an extended period of time, por please.
- Kristin’s friend is having knee replacement surgery next week. May the procedure be successful and go smoothly. Let the recovery be a breeze too.
- Lorraine is wishing for serious inner peace on behalf of us all. A gift we could all benefit from.
- Mari wants me to be happy and that makes me happy so wish granted.
- Cindy is wishing for “patience, peace, sanity and anything else” that might help her friend Catherine whose husband will be deployed for months leaving her to solo parent four children. I would like to add to that wish that Catherine feels supported by kind friends like Cindy and that she reaches out to them even if it’s just to chat when she needs some compassion and understanding.
- Traci and her beautiful family are looking for the perfect home that is perfectly affordable for them. Help them find it.
- Ariana is wishing for perfect Memorial Day weather in Texas. I am wishing that she has a great Memorial Day celebration regardless of the weather.
- Paty is in negotiations for a house. Send her good mojo so that everything works out in the best possible way.
ALSO READ: 5 Quotes About Change Because You Can Resist, but You Cannot Stop Change
That’s it for me this week. What are you wishing for?
You are AWESOME, UM! Big mahalos for this and all the aloha you bring to da yard 🙂
great wishing explanation – hmm that sounds a little like fishing expedition. Wishing and fishing are similar except who throw back a wish they caught? Well I hope you are using good bait in your wishing.
Thank you, dear friend. I can feel the power already. I can’t wait for pics of you on that bike!
Here’s wishing you get motivated to follow through on some fitness plans. I need the same wish! I know exactly what you mean when it comes to the girls getting out of school and then suddenly it starts to wear on you. Wishing you never get tired of them this summer. Wishing everyone their wishes…….
We had a progression! We are still negotiating with our current landlords because they want to charge an obscene amount of money for breaking up the leasing contract. But I keep my mind positive! Thanks for your support and for wish my wishes <3