Every week I pause to make some Wednesday Wishes because I genuinely believe that the Universe is abundant and there is no reason why I can’t ask and ask and ask for what I want. I invite others (present company included) to wish along with me because the Universe’s abundance is for all.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week…
For myself:
- My mother and my nephew are visiting and I am thrilled, but in all honesty I can have a really short temper with my mother so if you could help me with that I would be very grateful.
- I am hoping that the week my daughters get to spend with their cousin helps them build a bond that will last a lifetime.
For others:
- Paty is halfway through getting her wish granted from last week (something to do with insurance stuff), please keep the momentum going.
- Mario’s wish is for his friend to find his way into “the right loving and caring arms.”
- Will’s still on the job hunt. He’s testing for MUNI Station Agent again. Do you see how committed he is, Universe? Send a nod his way, por please.
- Todd wants peace. Me too.
- Mari is wishing for her friend Sonya who is riding her bike for cancer this weekend in Boston. Keep all the bikers safe and may their efforts help in finding a cure for cancer.
- Connie is in need of some peace and comfort. Her hubby’s grandmother passed away. The viewing is this week and it’s the first time that her kids experience something like this. She also had a marathon meeting that was to basically determine her future position, I have a feeling you hooked her up, right?
- Cindy’s wish is for her #3 molar. You know it’s bad when you are referring to your teeth by number–been there, done that. My wish is that it all gets resolved as painlessly, quickly and inexpensively as possible.
- Sandy (Lynda) is hoping to see me at a blogger event that she is hosting in the city. I got the invite and right now it’s not looking like I can go, but regardless, I would like to wish for it to be a HUGE success.
- My tía Feliza wants some good luck sent her way. May she be caught in a downpour of good luck.
That’s it for me this week. What are you wishing for?
I use to have a very short fuse when it came to one of my uncles until my older brother suggested anytime I was around that uncle and he said something that rubbed me the wrong way to just smile and say in my mind “yep, the moon is made of cheese and so are you.” Surprisingly it worked wonders.
I am adding my wish power for all your wishes.
How exciting, hope your having a great time! Keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers.