Hello, you beautiful wishful soul. Let’s take a moment to nourish that part of you that believes wishes can come true by making some Wednesday Wishes. It really doesn’t matter what day of the week you tap into the Universe’s abundance and ask for some of it to come your way. I happen to do it on Wednesdays because I’m a fan of alliteration.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week…
For myself:
- Last week, I found myself in a despondent funk over my financial status and an unexpected expense relating to my car. The news that I had to pay over $1,000 in car repairs hit me hard. I wished for the money to come into my life somehow and the crazy thing is that it did. One of you sent me the money. I am astounded and beyond grateful. I feel humbled and unworthy, but so incredibly blessed. My wish is that one day I am able to pay this generosity forward. I also wish that the person who did this for me, for my family is rewarded tenfold times ten.
- I have been married for nine years today to an incredible man. May we continue to grow together and weather any storms that come our way while enjoying even the mundane moments our life together. May we thrive and be a source of support to each other. May our love last forever and a day.
- Please help those who have been affected and will be affected by Hurricane Matthew.
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For others:
- Diane would like the migraine she has been dealing with for days to GTFO and never come back again.
- Sheryl is not only grieving the loss of her beloved cat, she’s also dealing with anxiety, guilt and pain because she can’t be sure that she made the right decisions for him. Please send her serenity. I personally would like to tell her that she DID make the right decisions for him. Sheryl, every decision you made was made with love and not taken lightly. Give your conscience a much needed guilt break and allow yourself to grieve without the self-doubt.
- Will is going to a job fair where several city and county departments will be in attendance. Help him bring his A game and an on-the-spot job offer would not be unwelcome. Just sayin’.
- Kristin is hoping that Hurricane Matthew tracks east and does not hug the coast of Florida.
- My beautiful friend (inside and out) Ghida wants an end to the human race hurting and killing each other.
- Sharice is wishing for comfort for the woman who sat next to her at the airport, who has stage 4 cancer and is traveling to bury her mother.
- Lorraine has three wishes this week. She’s wishing for Haiti’s quick recovery after the hurricane, as well as a swift recovery for her friend who underwent surgery due to cancer and happiness for me. Lorraine, knowing that you always send me love and support makes me very happy.
- Taca is wishing on behalf of an Argentine gentleman who is in he ICU with a compromised spinal cord because of a car accident. May he have a full recovery and even if it takes a long time, may he be able to walk.
That’s it for me this week. What are you wishing for?
What a wonderful gift you received. Happy Anniversary! May all the wishes come true and I am praying for the hurricane to dissolve into nothing and for everyone to be safe.