I wish for things regularly because wishing changes my perspective. It helps me go from a “woe is me” kind of place to a “what can be” kind of place and many times my wishes come true and the ones that don’t simply weren’t meant to be and that’s OK. As always, I invite you to wish with me.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week…
For myself:
- Patience and compassion without having to compromise myself. I am who I am and others are who they are. I don’t have to be a welcome mat to be walked all over, but I don’t have to be a barbed wire fence either.
- May everyone experience an unadulterated moment of joy this season, even if it’s just taking pleasure in something simple like a beautiful sky or a stranger’s laughter.
For others:
- Tara’s father-in-law is going through his first holiday season since his wife’s passing. Tara is hoping that he experiences happiness when he visits. I have a feeling he will be very happy to be surrounded by loved ones who support him and want to bring him joy.
- Sweet, thoughtful Mario is wishing “that those who either have a family or not spend it with their loved ones. And that those who have nothing are looked after and cared for. And that hearts are strengthened with nothing but LOVE.”
- Lisa is wishing for something, Universe. You know what it is. Please make it a reality. Also make sure she gets some MAC Selena lipstick to replace the one that Norrin had his way with.
- Andrea wants my wishes to come true. I hope she has a beautiful holiday season with her wonderful family.
- Send Yadira health.
- Chantilly continues to wish for the safe return of her brother. Please send some news of his whereabouts.
- Mari is sending wishes “for health” to those battling cancer, in particular Steve, Gabriel and Shellie. She’s also sending wishes of love and comfort to all those that feel lonely and forgotten this holiday season. And she’sd like all of my wishes come true. I wish her much joy this season.
- Eileen’s thoughtful wish “for everyone this holiday season is for health & love.” She also hopes that we all “take the time to live in the moment and appreciate every morsel.” And she’s grateful, grateful for all the prayers for her sister-in-law Abigail, who is getting stronger day by day. Such good news! Go on with your bad self, Abigail!
- JusTina is not feeling so good right now, like she’s getting sick. Let’s nip that right in the bud, shall we?
- Deborah is over the paycheck-to-paycheck existence that she’s been living. Medical bills are bumming her out. May abundance, prosperity and financial stability become her new normal.
- Theresa gave me all the feels. Here’s what she wrote: “Nothing for me this time. But I am wishing you and your family a lovely Christmas. Thanks for being the awesome woman you are! I enjoy reading your posts and am inspired by your wit and positivity.
?” Thank you, thank you, Theresa. I’m wishing you a wonderful Christmas as well and you’ve been a bright spot online for me for quite some time now.
- Please help Andrea feel better. She’s got a cold that’s knocking her out. She’s also wishing for “goodness” and couldn’t we all use more goodness?
That’s it for me this week. What are you wishing for?
For you my friend, the wish maker, I wish all the happiness in the world. It is a rare gift to give so freely to others; of your time, your love and your thoughts. Love you, my friend. I was having a difficult day yesterday but I’m done feeling sorry for myself. Thanks for the love.
Aww, Deborah. Thank you so much. You’ve had a tough year, it’s OK to take a moment and acknowledge that certain things suck, but remember that it’s only temporary. Better things are coming your way.
My heart goes out to everyone…..