This week is kicking my butt and I’m not amused. I could bitch, but instead I’ll wish for what I want because why waste energy on what I don’t want? Plus, it’s time for Wednesday Wishes where we celebrate the abundance of the Universe by asking for what we want.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week:
1. Healthy kids. I need my children to get healthy por please. A 3 year old when healthy can be challenging, a 3 year old when sick is all kinds of difficult. My 6 year old seems to be trying to fight off whatever germs her sister has gifted her with, so if you could help her win that fight I would be most appreciative.
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2. Healthy mom. My mom is sick too. She doesn’t live near me, but when I call her she sounds terrible like her voice has been replaced by a grouchy frog with a really thick Mexican accent. She needs some positive mojo sent her way.
3. Healthy me. With all these sicky-poos in my life, I would really appreciate staying well.
That’s it for me!
What are you wishing for?
You can tell me in the comments or you can link up below with a #WednesdayWishes post of your own. It could even be a #WednesdayWishes tweet or Facebook post if that’s more your style, just WISH! If you link up, please link back or post the Wednesday Wishes button either in your post or sidebar to let people know that other bloggers are sharing their Wednesday Wishes too.
The Universe is abundant, go on and make a wish!
Not good, no not good at all to sound like a grouchy frog with a thick accent! I do hope your family is all feeling better now. I will have you know that now I will probably dream about a frog with a thick Mexican accent….lol, it will probably sound a lot like my Papi.