Let me be completely honest with you and tell you that at this exact moment in my life I have to work something hard to focus on the positive. It’s easy to see that the Universe is abundant when all is well in your little world, but not so easy when the rug gets pulled out from under you. All that means is that I NEED to be positive more than ever. I find that the only way to replace woe is me kind of thoughts is to fill that thought space with something better like wow is me kind of thoughts. So let’s get to manifesting some abundance in life by making some Wednesday wishes, shall we?
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week:
1. Oh my lucky stars, I finally get to start therapy in a little over a week. This is a big deal for me and I’m so grateful that I’ve got insurance and that I was finally able to find someone. I’m wishing for mucho progress, growth and shaking off of old habits that no longer serve me well.
2. I have been chosen as one of six storytellers for the We All Grow Conference by Latina Bloggers Connect. I’m beyond thrilled. I had to turn in a sort of draft of my story to be considered and now it’s time to start working on the final version. I was feeling stuck, more like scared, and then while I was out shopping BAM! It came to me, what I want to do, how I want to structure it. I’m wishing for continued inspiration and also to give myself permission to really enjoy the process.
3. I’m not sure where the bulk of my income is going to come from now that I’ve been laid off. I’m wishing for many opportunities to grow as a writer and financially.
That’s it for me!
What are you wishing for?
You can tell me in the comments or you can link up below with a #WednesdayWishes post of your own. It could even be a #WednesdayWishes tweet or Facebook post if that’s more your style, just WISH! If you link up, please link back or post the Wednesday Wishes button either in your post or sidebar to let people know that other bloggers are sharing their Wednesday Wishes too.
The Universe is abundant, go on and make a wish!
I have benefited greatly from therapy in the past. I still go in for occasional tune-ups. I am unemployed myself right now. I remind myself that things will get better. Keep your chin up, Unknown but Known Mami.