What seems like forever ago, I dated a young man who would use the phrase “positive powers” to encourage me. He got it from a man he worked with who is a dad and would use the phrase with his kids. I’ve adopted that phrase myself and use it often because I do believe that it’s all about the positive powers in life and that is why I enjoy posting Wednesday Wishes mid-week. It’s my way of focusing on the positive and asking for it.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week:
1. Universe, can you pretty please keep me focused on the positive? I realize I am not the only one who can latch on to the negative and just hold on for dear life. It’s so freakin’ annoying. When something wonderful happens, I enjoy it for what in retrospect is the briefest of moments and then let it sort of float away, but heaven forbid something bad happens because I will act like it is so much more important than any of the blessings in my life. It’s not right and I need to stop. So I will make like Taylor Swift and “shake it off” when it comes to the negative and soak it up when it comes to the positive.
That’s it, that’s the one thing I’m focusing on for this week because I think it’s a biggie and will make life so much more wonderful for me.
What are you wishing for?
You can tell me in the comments or you can link up below with a #WednesdayWishes post of your own. It could even be a #WednesdayWishes tweet or Facebook post if that’s more your style, just WISH! If you link up, please link back or post the Wednesday Wishes button either in your post or sidebar to let people know that other bloggers are sharing their Wednesday Wishes too.
The Universe is abundant, go on and make a wish!
“something bad happens because I will act like it is so much more important than any of the blessings in my life” – why do we seem to be programmed that way? It does seen we are quicker to become emotional (sad,fear,anger) about bad stuff. Thanks for the positive reminder.