Not only is it Wednesday, it’s also April Fool’s Day! Don’t worry, I have no pranks in store for you (at least not today because that would be predictable), but I will think you a fool if you don’t take some time to manifest abundance today with a bit of Wednesday Wishes.
The Universe is abundant and wants to give you all that you desire, the first step to getting what you want is to ask for what you want.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week:
1. One wish already came true, so I’m going to acknowledge it. I was feeling so LOW on Tuesday. What I do for a living is pretty much pour my heart and soul out online in the form of words that I string together. I do it on this blog, I do it on social media and I do it as a freelancer for other websites. I love what I do, but you know sometimes it doesn’t feel tangible and Tuesday it was all feeling very, “does anyone even care-ish” and I kept asking for something, for a sign that I’m on the right path and then it came via a tweet that led me to a post entitled, “Inspiring Women to Follow on Social Media.” Well, I’m sure you can tell where this is going. I am one of the women on the list. I’m on there with freakin’ famous people and brilliant people and funny people and WHAT?! Anyway, thank you Universe for sending me such an encouraging bit of loveliness right when I needed it.
2. There is a war going on in my home right now, it’s the long hairs versus the lice and nits and I am so over it. I seem to have vanquished all of the lice, but every evening when I go to check my littles’ hair I find some die-hard nits and I can’t wait until I look through their gorgeous curly and overly abundant hair and find no more nits. Please, help me get rid of all the nits. I am so tired of nitpicking.
3. I said no to a work opportunity that was offered to me even though I could use the money. I said no to make room for something else, something that will lead me to where I need to go instead of where I’ve already been, please send something phenomenal my way work-wise. Thank you!
That’s it for me this week.
What are you wishing for?
So sorry about the hair issues, hope it ends soon. Have you tried Coconut Oil? I know it can be messy but may be worth a try. Sending you good vibes for that perfect position to open for you very soon…….
Actually, thanks for the tip. I’ve tried olive oil, but not coconut oil and we have some in the house so why not?
Everything in it’s own time. You’ve come a long way from where you started off with a paper bag on your head. You totally deserve the kudos you have received, for being authentically you. More will come. Keep on being you.
Lice. *Shudder* I’m dreading the day we have to deal with that!