Suffering from the mid-week blues or taxes hangover? What say we shake ‘em off? It’s time to make some Wednesday Wishes and manifest abundance. The first step to getting what you want from this oh so abundant Universe is to ask for what you want.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week:
1. Okay, so normally I wouldn’t reveal this publicly because I’d be way to scared to jinx it, but I’m just gonna put it out there. I applied for the KAWL News Audio Academy. Basically it is, “9-month radio journalism training program based at KALW public radio, an NPR and BBC affiliate station in San Francisco. This program is designed to give you a professional audio production education, tuition-free.” Wouldn’t it be awesome if I got picked? Ya hear me Universe, I sure would love to get picked!
2. My exercise routine has been going well. I was doing Zumba on the Wii and then I got more than a little bored with the same songs over and over, but I found that my body was still craving movement on the regular so I switched to doing some of Gilad Janklowicz “Bodies In Motion” workouts via Amazon Prime and my body is thanking me for the work. I feel stronger, I have more energy and the hills in San Francisco are much less daunting. Help me keep it up Universe. I’m in this for the long run.
3. We got hit with a big unexpected expected expense AKA taxes. I keep telling myself it’s just money and there is more of where that came from. Please prove me right.
That’s it for me this week.
What are you wishing for?
Don’t be stingy with yourself. Make some big glorious wishes!
Sending you good vibes for you to get accepted into the program. That would be the coolest thing ever. NPR? That’s big. I love Latino USA with Maria Hinojosa. Crossing my fingers for you lovely lady!!!
Lol, love that – here me Universe 😀 I will be adding to your thoughts for that super fab opp with public radio – sounds amazing!! For me I’m crossing my fingers I can get back on track with intuitive eating, heal my shoulders and find the love of my life – here me Universe 😉
It’s all coming your way, I just know it! The Universe hears ya.
Thanks love 😀 Here’s to the Universe hearing us both 😉
I need to get back on the Zumba wagon. I did Zumba 2-3 times a week a few years ago and shed some pounds. And I really liked it. My wish is to get through the week while preparing for two upcoming trips. 🙂