It’s Miercoles, which means it’s time to make some Wednesday Wishes in an effort to acknowledge that the Universe is abundant and as a way to attract some of that abundance. Please, please be generous with yourself and make some wishes too.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week:
1. I want to forgive.
My mother and her influence loom large in my life. She is truly one of a kind and I love her. I also have no doubt that she loves me and has always loved me. The thing is that she made mistakes, many of them, and they’ve affected me greatly.
May is a big month for me because it’s the month of Mother’s Day and also the month of my birth. Well, my mami sent me the most beautiful card telling me how the world, her world, became so much better when I was born. Then she went on to apologize for having failed me and explained to me that at the time she really wasn’t aware of the mistakes she was making.
I was in tears when I read her words the first time and I’m in tears now just thinking about them. I believe her. I really do because even now when I bring up certain things that she did from my perspective, I see how her face changes, gets ashen and sad when she realizes how her choices affected me.
This isn’t the first time that my mother has apologized to me for what she did in the past, but I really want it to be the last. I want to forgive her. I want to let it go. I want to enjoy where we are now and who she has become.
The truth is that I NEED to forgive her. I’m going to make mistakes as a mother too, I’m sure I’m already making them and I hope that my daughters will be able to forgive me for them. So, Universe, can you please help me once and for all forgive my mother for ALL of it? Can you help me focus on the countless things she did right instead of what she did wrong? Thank you.
That’s all I’m wishing for this week because it’s kind of a biggie. Any advice on how to forgive is greatly appreciated.
What are you wishing for?
I think being a parent is one of the hardest things ever. I’m not a mama of 2-legged kids but I am of five 4-legged kids and although it’s not the exact same.. it’s similar at times.
I think parents try very hard to do right by their kids but not always do they put themselves in their kids shoes. My parents forced me to go to a different high school than my friends and one that had no sports, which was major for me. It affected me in many ways, mostly my grades but also my motivation was gone. I was really big into Basketball & track and this new school didn’t have that so of course I was heartbroken. I still blame them for this but I have forgiven because forgiving is a huge part of making things better in your heart. I hope one day you and your mama can let go and just enjoy the time you have now as adults who understand and love each other.
Sorry for the long comment, i’m a wannabe novelist lol
Gurrl, I love long comments. Thank you.