Hi, guys. Normally I’m all “Rah-rah-sis-boom-bah it’s Wednesday let’s manifest some abundance by making some Wednesday Wishes,” but today I have no rah in me because I found out that my mother is in the hospital and I’m quite worried about her. As you can imagine I only have one wish this week and here it is in an open letter to the Universe:
Dear Universe,
I feel like a phenomenal jerk! I called my mother on Saturday, but she didn’t answer. She called me back and I missed the call and didn’t try to get a hold of her again. Then on Tuesday my home phone rings and I don’t answer it because I never answer it. Next thing I know my cell phone starts ringing. I look and see that it’s my mom and I actually considered not answering for a moment because I was in the middle of something, but decided I better.
I was prepared to hear my mom give me her sad “you don’t call enough” guilt-inducing voice, but what I got was so much worse. She sounded HORRIBLE! Like I could hardly understand her. She was calling me from her hospital room where she has been for a couple of days. She’s in the HOSPITAL!
She thought she had food poisoning because she felt horrible and started throwing up, but it turns out that she has a bladder infection that involves bleeding and is affecting her kidneys. I don’t know how that ended up making her throw up, but she says it’s all related.
She has always had terrible bladder problems. She has to use a catheter every singe day. I’ve only been catheterized once and it was awful, I can’t imagine going through that every single day.
She sounds sad and lonely. Up until reaching me she couldn’t get a hold of me or my brother. I feel like an incredible idiot for taking her for granted. She’s about to turn 70 this year and dang it I’m a freakin’ jerk.
Universe, can you please help my mami get better? Please. That’s really all I want right now. I promise to be kinder to her and more compassionate. I’m sorry for being dismissive of her. I know that when I call her she is quick to call me back. I will no longer be so nonchalant when she calls me.
Thank you!
That’s it for me this week. If you believe in positive thinking or praying or whatever, please send some energy my mother’s way. I thank you in advance.
What are you wishing for this week?
Sending my best prayers for your mom!