It’s that time of the week when I like to remind you and myself to make some Wednesday Wishes in order to manifest abundance in our lives. Yes, I believe that wishing for something calls it into your life. I can’t explain it to you, but I can tell you that I’ve seen it happen time and time again in my life. I wish for something and document it on paper or here online and later I am amazed by how many of the things I wish for actually come into my life. So let’s get to wishing…
1. Adiós to the mommy guilt, please. Both of my daughters have been pulling on my heart strings when it’s time to take them to school every morning. It’s not that they don’t like school, it’s that they like me better. I know that’s a good problem to have, but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel all kinds of bad when I see the tears welling up in their big beautiful brown eyes. I love my kids and having them around me, but I’m not a homeschooling kind of mama. I don’t have it in me so I need to get over the guilt of our school day goodbyes. I think one way for me to do that is make sure that from the time they get home from school until the time they go to bed, I am better about not working. I work from home and there is always something to do so I tend to work on “their time” and I need to be better about calling it quits on my work day. Help me, Universe.
ALSO READ: My Daughter’s Note to the Tooth Fairy is Just Plain Rude
2. Walk it out. I miss walking. I used to walk all the time, it was my favorite mode of transportation and I am so lucky to live in San Francisco because it is a walking kind of city. Since becoming a mom I don’t walk as much. This week I’m back on my feet and loving it. I’m wishing for the discipline and self love to keep walking regularly and for no reason other than walking brings me joy.
3. Lethargy be gone. OK, so I’m hoping the walking on a regular basis helps with this wish: I am tired of being tired and don’t want to be tired anymore. I’m telling you all I want to do is sleep and no, I don’t think it’s an iron deficiency or anything treatable by a doctor. I think it’s that I have gotten way to sedentary and a body not in motion tends to want to nap. Naps are great, but I’d rather have energy and the only way I see to get my energy up is to get my body in motion.
ALSO READ: Sexy Salsa-Dancing Abuela Will Blow Your Mind
What are you wishing for? Tell me so I can wish it for you too!
I suggest you combine #1 and #2 – walk with the kids. I should walk more myself.
I do walk with the kids, but their legs are too short and it feels more like shuffling to me than walking.
Walking totally rocks, Claudya. Enjoying it is great – but imagine the health bonuses! May your wishes all come true way, way sooner than you imagine! Hugs!
P.S.: I tagged you in my post today for the 8 photos of happiness challenge – I’d love you to take it up
P.P.S.: I keep meaning to tell you that your blog looks more refreshing and lovely now. 🙂
Vidya, thank you for noticing the changes on the blog. I’m loving it and think it looks more refreshing as well. I checked out your happiness challenge post on my phone this morning, but didn’t leave a comment because my fingers make too many mistakes on those small phone letters, but I thought it was great and I can’t believe your son is so grown. You guys are such a beautiful family. My intention is to post my happiness photos early next week. Thanks for the tag, I always appreciate focusing on happiness.
I could use a few kids to get me out walking! It’s tough to get motivated.
This week I’ve been doing well. Today will be my fourth day going for a walk. The weather has been perfect so it hasn’t been that hard.