It is Wednesday and I like to use this midweek day to remind myself that the Universe is abundant, so I’ve made a practice of making Wednesday wishes. It’s pretty amazing to not only make wishes, but to actually commit them to writing because what happens is that when you go back and re-read your past wishes, you are amazed by how many of them have come true. I encourage you to wish out loud and in writing.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week:
1. This wish is immediate. I am writing this as I watch the World Cup match between the Netherlands and Argentina that is in overtime and I would really like for Argentina to win. *
2. Today, I got up at 5:00 a.m. and I find that this is a good time for me to get up because it gives me more time to get ready for the day and work while my kids are still sleeping. I would like the resolve and discipline to continue getting up at 5:00 a.m. on workdays.
3. I haven’t asked for this out loud or in writing because I’m almost in denial about it, but dear Universe can you please help Covered California and Kaiser get their sh!t together and get us back in the Kaiser system. I am beyond frustrated with this situation that we have been dealing with since the beginning of the year? I hate it and it is stressing me out.
That’s it for me this week.
What are you wishing for this week?
*Update: since writing this post, Argentina has won. Thank you, Universe!
Wish granted – Argentina won!
Lovely shot.
Woo hoo!
That insurance stuff is almost certain to be frustrating at some point. During last fall’s insurance confusing mess I had thought California had it together. I guess not. I hope your wish gets the attention it deserves.
Oh if by chance (I know your are probably falling asleep early since you get up at dark-thirty in the morning) you are blog browsing please check out a recent post. I was thinking of SF when I wrote it.