I am sure I am not the first nor the last mother who will tell you that giving birth made her stronger. Here’s the thing, giving birth the second time made me 2x stronger and I’ll tell you why. It’s not that I was a wimp the first time around. Oh no, with Put Pie (my eldest), I went to the hospital on a Saturday night, was induced, and did not have her until Monday morning. That is a ridiculously long time to be in labor and it was LABOR. The length of labor, the medication I had to take, and the complications wiped me out and recovery was slow. My second came much faster. I didn’t even know I was in labor until it was so painful, I knew it was time to give birth.
We got to the hospital, my water broke, I was dilating, and it was all back labor (I don’t remember feeling a thing in my abdomen). I hurt like I had never hurt before and although I had intended to go drug-free, it hurt so much I started yelling for them to give me an epidural before I was too dilated. That didn’t happen. My window for medication closed and I could have slapped the person that told me it was too late. Then it looked like I would need an emergency C-section because the baby was showing signs of distress. I was wheeled into the operating room, was about to be put under, and my Luna Pie decided she was not waiting any longer. The doctor told me it was time to push. I told her there was no way that I could endure the kind of pain I was in for hours and she assured me that I would be in pain for minutes, not hours. I screamed, I cursed, I pushed, and I had my beautiful baby. She was tiny and perfect. The whole process from figuring out I was in labor to having the baby took less than an hour.
Thirty minutes after giving birth I was walking myself to the bathroom. One day later, I was driving myself and my baby to our first lactation appointment because daddy had to go back to work. I felt like a super-woman. My body performed so perfectly and even just thinking about it now makes me surge with a sense of power. That sense of power will never leave me.
I had Luna Pie over two years ago so why am I telling you her birth story right now? Because of toilet paper. That’s right toilet paper.
I shared Luna Pie’s birth story because Angel Soft asked me to share an experience that made me 2x stronger. The new and improved Angel Soft is 2x stronger while providing an ideal blend of softness and strength at a value you can appreciate. Grab an Angel Soft coupon so that you can test it out yourself. You can also enter to win the awesome prize pack they are giving away to one reader of this blog.
The Giveaway
Win 1 Angel Soft Product Pack consisting of:
- 1 Angel Soft 2x Stronger Pack with 4 Rolls
- $25 Target Gift Card
For a chance to win, please follow the instructions in the widget below. Good luck and stay strong.
This is part of a sponsored campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Angel Soft. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
Living for years with in-laws made me much stronger 🙂
RSS feed with Google reader via email: lisa.brown24 at gmail dot com
I had a difficult childhood and that made me stronger…and so did having 3 c-sections!
I had a difficult childhood too and it made me stronger as well.
I lost a baby boy in 2004, but it only made me stronger, and more determined to have more babies.
Hugs. Thank you for sharing.
Visit me at: http://www.unknownmami.com.
becoming a mom for the first time
Awww! Loved this story! Yes, Motherhood makes us Super Heroes!
definitely motherhood
My second birth was fast two. I think it took longer to get to the hospital than it did to give birth!
moving to a different country made me stronger
Traveled and lived in different countries has made me 2x stronger.
being a mom
RSS: akronugurl@gmail.com
Raising my son alone has made me stronger.
moving to jp
Watching my son recover from open heart surgery and all he has to endure has made me stronger.
Being a single mom made me stronger.
giving birth made me 2x stronger
being a senior living on SS is hard and make you stronger
Raising my kids, especially my teens.
My husband died when my son was a toddler. I got very strong.
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com
Moving overseas knowing nobody made me stronger
Having 4 kids has made me 2x stronger.
Proving people wrong has made me stronger
having gall bladder surgery made me stronger
Going to college while I was working 2 jobs, and I was a single mom
Having four children made me 2x stronger
Having survived breast cancer 12 years ago made me 100x stronger!
seeing my son go through eye surgery at 10 months old.
Working 2 jobs for almost twenty years made me stronger.
having my kids made me stronger
Ending up in ICU after giving birth
Oh hey, I totally hear you! Getting past that first horrific birthing experience was traumatic. I can’t believe I wanted to do it again? That is a very cute picture you put up too! I wish my tummy looked cute enough for that sort of snap shot 😉
Having kids 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!
raising an autistic daughter has made me stronger
kport207 at gmail dot com
becoming a single dad has forced me to become stronger
motherhood made me stronger.
I guess for me its been my two back surgeries. They didnt turn out quite the way they were supposed to, and will need one more. It has made me stronger …mentally! Weaker physically…but a much stronger person!
I agree my second birth made me stronger but primarily because the day I brought my son home my mom told me she had cancer. She’s good now but sheesh those were hard years!
Waiting for, and watching, my grandson die made me, I’m not sure if it made me stronger, or if made me more isolated.
dealing with the death of my mother.
Going through hard times has made me 2x stronger.
I was injured and spent several weeks in the hospital. It was a lifechanging experience for me.
going through a horrible divorce that went on and on and on……
dealing with my sister’s health issues has made me stronger
Raising kids has made me stronger
I’m pretty sure this week I’ve had will one day be one of those things that I say made me stronger. Right now it’s just busy sucking! I LOVE seeing your face:).
I’m glad you love seeing my face.
coming out of a car wreck that should have left me dead by all means. Recovering from my injuries and waking up each day still here to be a wife and mother has made me stronger.
Going through a high risk pregnancy with my daughter made me 2X stronger.
Not only becoming a mother has made me stronger, but also dealing with the passing away of my father.
Having kids made me atronger
Overcoming anxiety and going back to college.
Good for you.
I would say becoming a Mother has made me a million times stronger.
Dealing with health issues has made me stronger.
The Tiny Heart
The difficulty I had getting pregnant, and losing two children – one to miscarriage and one to SIDS made me a much stronger person.
You are amazing. Thank you for sharing.
Being out of work for almost a year.
Raising my kids and being a mom
moving 8 states away from home
Being a mom and having preemie twins! Thanks!
Losing my job made me 2x stronger, and freed me!
Years of fertility treatments and finally a mommy.
Yes giving birth is a good one! I remember mine. It felt like I was tied between 2 horses and they were both running in opposite direction…oh the good old days/memories :o)
Raising 2 kids has made me 2x stronger.
Losing my mother at the young age of 7
Ha ha… toilet paper! Too funny. I reckon I am 6 times stronger then!
I had a 5 hour labor and delivery with my first, 2 hrs with 2nd, 39 minutes with my 3rd, 1 hr with my 4th, 4 hrs with my 5th and a totally pain free 2 hr labor & delivery with my 6th! My last labor amazed me, it simply did not hurt at all?? No pain relief either…. with ANY of my deliveries. Number 5 was 10.12 pounds, and number 6 was 10.6!!! I reckon I deserve a medal lol! I will not enter the giveaway as I live too far away.
Living on my own at age 18 made me a much stronger person. I realized so much and got to experience life!
My mom passing away made me stronger. It taught me to never take anything for granted! Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
Being a single parent made me 2x stronger – thank you.
Rafflecopter name Barbara Montag
Finding God made me able to handle cancer and more.
The birth with my first son made me 2 x’s stronger.. it was a long tough delivery
subscribed via rss google – stacey0711n(at)gmail(dot)com
Dealing with the death of a sibling has made me 2x stronger.
Having children and realizing I would do way more for them then I would for mysel
My family
When my daughter was born 3 months prematurely.
Thanks for the chance.
Having children made me 2x stronger.
What an awesome story! You are WOMAN hear you roar!!!
Overcoming infertility due to PCOS has made me so strong.
just moving out of my parents house and supporting myself. ferriza2(at)yahoo(dot)com
With my husband’s health problems I have became 2x stronger in life
Dealing with a chronic illness has made me stronger
I wake up daily with a blood clotting disorder (chronic illness) that keeps me very sick. I struggle each day but I’m still here kicking!
I just went through a divorce
My father collapsed in front of me and (at the time) my three month old son. I was able to perform CPR on him until the paramedics arrived – 20 minutes after I called. I learned I can keep my composure in a very stressful time.
When my second book of poetry was published, I felt 2X stronger!
I have had 3 illnesses, that have been life threatening, but by the Grace of God, I am still alive to tell about it.
when my husband passed away I thought the world had ended for me but I realized I had to be strong for my kids and continue on with our routines. It was not easy but I did it and realized I was stronger than I thought.
Every time I’m able to overcome my anxiety because my daughter needs me, I feel stronger.
i love target!
I lost 4 sizes
becoming a mom
Having my Mom move in with us for the last few years of her life made me more than 2x stronger! I realized at that point that I do have it in me to do whatever is needed for someone I love.
Having a sober friend turn on me, go on a drinking binge and harass me for months, while my marriage was in trouble, so I couldn’t talk to anyone but God about what was happening, Every day my husband and my former friend were telling me how awful (even evil) I am. Nothing makes a person feel stronger than remembering the impossible times that one went through without human support. Happy ending — I am not awful, I am actually very nice. And my marriage is great now. Will take a lifetime to recover from those days. But well on it’s way.
Coming out of a divorce.
taking care of my kids by myself
Being a kindergarten teacher for 33 years, raising 2 daughters and surviving a divorce!
Being a Mom made me stronger.
Being a nurse and a mother of 3 has made me STRONG
Helping my stepfather recover after losing his leg in a motorcycle accident helped to make me 2X stronger
Having a child go through cancer and come through.
Raising two teenagers by myself
Getting through depression and finding light at the end of the tunnel.
Watching my kids grow up has made me stronger.
Having to deal with a lot of bad things thru out my life time made me stronger in many ways
serving a mission for my church
I think that raising my son and eventually seeing him receive his high school diploma made me much stronger. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Changing my entire career path.
Leave a comment on this post telling me about a personal experience that made you 2x stronger
i run 20 hour a month,,thats all i know
I’d say that makes you stronger in many ways.
i too was in labor a long time with my first one and ended up with a c-section. Second one came a lot easier. I also had ALL my teeth extracted and got dentures.
When my daughter was born
An illness I have been dealing with the past few years has made me stronger
my husband being laid off…
I would say my son being born and watching him grow!
getting a divorce made me stronger, carawling(at)hotmail(dot)com
my dad passing away made me 2x stronger.
Moving overseas and leaving all the comforts of my home country behind – I had to learn how to rely on God and others.
Going off to college on my own made me stronger
being in an abusive relationship made me 2x’s stronger
taking care of my husband when he was ill made me at least 2x stronger.
Working hard and getting into Grad school has made me 2X stronger
My husband going through a yr of chemo treatments at age 49 made me 2Xstronger
just having my kids made me stronger
going through infertility treatments made me stronger
becoming a mom
have 2 jobs
quit smoking and losing weight
making it through 2 deployments!
ssgsweeps @ hotmail .com
Taking care of my elderly bedridden mom for the last year of her life made me stronger.
getting married…and divorced
that photo is
P R I C E L E S S <3
leaving my family and moving made me stronger it made me realise i can do things on my own without everyones help
lifting weights
Moving cross-country
10 years ago I was diagnosed with RA and I’ve learned to be strong and deal with it.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
Precious photo. I have a similar story – except I had to have a Cesarian at the last minute as both of us went into trauma. Sigh. I find it always beautiful to hear a birth story – and yes, I agree that it makes us Nx stronger over time. We do things with ease – things we never thought we would ever do, or thought we were capable of. Hugs.
Having some healthcare issues last year made me 2x stronger. And looking for and landing a job in this economy has made me 2x stronger.
Having 2 babies in 11 months made me 2x stronger! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
surviving Katrina- go Nola!!
I have been sick for over 10 years, so I HAVE to be strong to live with it every day
Getting over my anxiety made me stronger.
I’ve seen my Dad suffer with oral cancer for 15 years.
Having faith in God to clear my oldest brother & oldest son of cancer – prayers were answered!!
My whole life
Quitting my horrible job without finding a new job first.
getting thru the passing of my father.
I stood up to a bully at work who was intimidating a subordinate and trying to get her to quit a job she desperately needed.
Having to change careers after 15 years
having to get through stress fractures on both legs at the same time…
Having to get through a fractured rib during a bad bout of bronchitis
Hearing my daughter may have leukemia has made me stronger. Thank God she didn’t but it sure made us look at life differently and do things differently.
Thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com
Putting myself through college on my own.
Getting past the guilt of becoming a stay at home mom made me a much stronger mother and woman. Thanks for the chance.
My husband and I lost our jobs at the same time, that certainly tried our strength.
Being a Mom has made me a stronger person
Leaving a difficult marriage and becoming a single mom.
Going through my separation with my husband of 14 years in Dec and starting a divorce has made me so much stronger and a better mom to my 4 children.
Lisa Garner
The various girls camps throughout my high school years — they were such a growing experience!
Raising my two girls…
This past October my dad had a stroke and a week later hurricane Sandy struck this area, going through both of these things made me at least 2x stronger.
The birth of my daughter made me stronger
I’ve gone through so many things that have made me stronger. So I guess you could say that with how many people I’ve lost in my life at my age, it’s definitely has made me a lot stronger than what I used to be.
going bungee jumping made me 2x stonger
Thanks for the giveaway…caring for my parents at the end of their lives made me stronger.
Dealing with the Estate when my Father In Law died, and he was estranged from 3 of his 4 kids…
i became stronger when i had my son
I never thought I was strong enough to be with my mom and dad when they passed away but taking care of them and being there for their last moments was something I wouldnt change now that ive done it and it has made me stronger because although it was heartbreaking knowing I was losing them it makes me proud that I was strong enough to help them onto their next journey with the lord!
You did good.
Surprise twins at my age
making it through chemo and radiation and still here to be here with my daughters and grandkids 🙂 here’s to many more years.
Watching over my mom when my father died!
ptavernie at yahoo dot com
Losing my mother at age 16 made me 100x stronger than I ever thought I could be before
having to raise my 2 year old sister at the age of 16 while having a part time job and trying not to flunk high school or fail her
Being a young mother, and helping my daughter cope with the loss of her father really made me a stronger person.
Having diabetes made me stronger.
leaving an abusive marriage made me stronger
Being pregnant while working full-time and in school (currently)
Living through every day makes me 2x stronger.
I am a survivor of domestic violence that has made me 2x stronger!!
Moving to a new state by myself to go to school.
Learning that I have Lupus and learning how to deal with it.
moving 3 hrs away from my home, my family & friends.. made me 2x as strong!
battling and overcoming anxiety
jmatek AT wi DOT rr DOT com
Dealing with anxiety disorders. ugh.
Leaving my controlling and manipulative boyfriend
When I had my daughter, she made me a stronger person!
Having twins boys ten weeks early and having to leave the hospital without them. They had to stay eight weeks. Fortunately, they are very healthy 11 years olds today.
what made me stronger was being a single parent raises two boys by myself
Losing my job and trying to survive while looking for another made me stronger
Losing my dad when I was 19. I had to stay home from college for a bit to help my mother and sister out for a while. Made me a totally different, better, person.
Having kids made me mature and stronger
My stepson going through surgery and radiation for his brain tumor.
Being with my mother when she passed away. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I’m so glad I was there.
Everything I went through being in boot camp over 2x longer than I should have been
I had a stroke at 23. I had lots of prayers & I came out okay. I am 50 now.
Watching my father-in-law recover (TWICE) when he was never supposed to come home again has made me stronger.
Having my kids made me stronger.
I’m the single dad of three kids (7, 10 and 13) and I’m stuggling with cancer…yeah I think its made me stronger!
Hearing that my husband has cancer made me stronger. Then later on hearing it has spread to another area of his body made me even stronger.
Health problems in me and my family
That’s GREAT! Thank you very much.
Got my prize today. Thanks again.
This is a great article! I never knew so many sites can pay you just for your writing, I will try my luck in some of them! Thanks!