Accidents are bound to happen and it’s best to think about what you will do before they actually happen. Here are a few tips to keep in mind if you are ever in an accident…
- Keep Essentials in Glove Compartment. At minimum you should have your insurance information, a pen, and paper. Most people carry cellphones with cameras on them nowadays, but if you don’t…you should keep a disposable camera to document any accidents you are involved in.
- Safety First. In a minor accident, if possible, move cars to the side of the road. If it is not safe to move vehicles, put on hazard lights, and do not put yourself in harms way.
- Exchange Information. You should get the following information from the other driver: name, address, phone number, insurance company, policy number, driver license number and license plate number.
Now let me tell you about a little accident that I was recently involved in and what you shouldn’t do.
I was driving to work and came to a full stop at a red light. The next thing I know, I was hit from behind. The jolt was pretty strong. I was upset, but told myself that surely this woman had not intended to hit me and thank goodness we both seemed to be okay. I waited for the light to change and then I pulled over to exchange information.
Before I knew it, this woman had jumped out of her car and was at my window looking crazed and telling me that my car was fine and that she was in a hurry to get to an appointment and didn’t have time to exchange information.
Are you freakin’ kidding me?! You just hit me lady!!! I know I’m in a car, but I’m a person. A person! Ask me if I am okay because who the hell cares about my car if I am not okay?!
I got out of the car and told her that I was not going to hurry and that I was going to get her information.
I am so upset that it never once occurred to her that it was me who could have been hurt. I got her information, she didn’t get mine except for my name. Hopefully, my car and I are okay, but how the heck can you expect me to just let you go when I haven’t even had time to absorb what has happened?
And yes, I will say it…I was proud of myself for keeping calm and I was very disappointed in her for being so self-involved and uncaring. If you hit a stranger while you are in a hurry to get to an appointment, maybe it is a sign to slow down. All she did was make the exchange take longer than it needed to by complaining about having to do what is her friggin’ duty as a licensed driver to do.
People come first! Not cars, not appointments…PEOPLE!!!
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Accidents happen.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
you are totally correct, chica! i’m hoping that YOU are OK after the accident. people never cease to amaze me… xoxoxox
It could be that she hits cars so often that it’s become a common day occurrence for her. No excuse. I might not of remained calm. It’s a state law here that you must show proof of insurance so we have an insurance card in the car all the time.
Too many people are too self-centered.
Wow – hope you are ok! How rude of her to not even ask!
Ah yes, SLOW DOWN! We all need to do this!!
Good for you & what a jerk that lady was!!!
I’m sure everyone in her world knows about her what you learned in a few minutes.
OMGoodness I am so glad you are okay, are you sure you are okay? Where the babies with you?
I had a woman hit me and go all road rage on me. I called the police and she was arrested. Hey my brother was murdered over a road rage incident I do not mess around.
You are so right people need to come first always.
I am proud of you for staying calm, it is SO hard to do in that situation.
I am smiling thinking about accidents in bed. Okay really I am for real LOL.
I was by myself and I was so glad I was because if the girls had been with me, I don’t think I would have remained calm. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful comment.
Good for you for remaining calm, and I hope you’re OK. You should still get checked out though, because you never know. I was rear-ended about 10 years ago, felt fine, and this past summer started seeing a chiropractor because it did affect my back, it just took a while to start hurting!
I am glad you were not hurt. Maybe she didn’t care, but we, your blogger buddies, care quite a bit. Keeping calm under such circumstances must have been very difficult.
Oh, man! I think in Florida we have to get. Police report……maybe you should have called the police to that nice (not) lady!
THe first thing out of her mouth should have been “Are you ok?” and then “I am so sorry!” UGH what is wrong with people? Good for you for handling it correctly. And Im so glad that you ARE ok.
I agree!! My father always told us to keep a camera in the glove box too. I was on post heading to my appt a few weeks ago and watched one of these maxed out Alaska trucks back into a minivan. I don’t believe the guy was going to do anything till we made eye contact. He knew I saw it and he was able to find paper to leave a note. Golly, people these days!!!
I am glad you’re safe. And proud of you to have stayed calm. What the other lady did was not correct. As Lisleman says, she must be used to doing this.
I once had a lady scream at me, irrationally, and it was horrid cause my kids were in the car. When we got home and I was tucking Kaiya in to bed I realized we hadn’t talked about it and she might be scared and she said, lets pray for that lady so she’s not so mean next time she’s in an accident. Yes baby girl, lets.
Very smart. Personally, I would probably snap a pic of the driver, too, though I’m not sure why. I’ve been in two accidents in which the other drivers did not have insurance (and, of course, it was their faults).grrr Glad you’re okay!
It is a good sign to slow down. She should feel blessed that she hit a car not a pedestrian. Some things cannot be undone. I’m glad that you are okay and stood up for yourself.
Glad you are okay and that you got all of the information you needed!
Glad you are okay. That seems very strange that she showed no concern for you.
She certainly wasn’t very nice and I am sure whe just wanted to get away with it. Glad you stood strong on this one. So sorry about the accident 🙁