My brother-in-law takes these:
and turns them into these:
I thought this one was Frank Zappa.
Apparently, it’s Captain Morgan.
Do you have any hobbies?
Funny San Francisco Latina Blogger
My brother-in-law takes these:
and turns them into these:
I thought this one was Frank Zappa.
Apparently, it’s Captain Morgan.
Do you have any hobbies?
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Hobbies? Yeah, one or two 😉 Jewellery making, tablet weaving, glass bead making, historical reenactment and a little dabbling in various related activities as well. We joke that my husband and I collect hobbies, his list includes rocketry, remote control model boats, remote control airplanes, carpentry, leatherworking, blacksmithing, brewing (he’s making mead as I type this), woodcarving and dark ages period cooking.
I go crazy with hobbies–full force–and then move on to the next thing. I think my whole family is really glad I am done with my glitter modpodging phase.
Very cool sand dollar art! (A little glittered Modge Podge wouldn’t hurt though!)
sooo pretty!
my hobby? photography has been my all time hobby and passion.
that’s for sure.
have a great day!
betty xx
They are really interesting! Love the faces… My hobby is photography, but my camera broke 🙁 I still capture some beautiful scenes on my iPhone, but it’s just not the same.
Cool… hobbies are photography! Is blogging a hobby? If so that too!
I think blogging totally qualifies as a hobby. It certainly takes up enough time.
Those are great…I thought Capt. Morgan was Bob Marley. Hmmmm
Unless you count sparkly,hot vampires?
Sparkly, hot vampires are a predilection not a hobby.
do they cost a dollar?
Since you asked – I’ll leave you with my latest creation. Maybe I could barter for a painted sand dollar?
Don’t you just love checking out other peoples hobbies? People are so interesting. Your brother-in-law has a cool hobby.
I couldn’t think of a particular hobby I have. I have many interests and every day I enjoy some of those interests.
Hobbies? Why yes! Dishes, Laundry, cleaning my house, homeschooling high school, raising children, teaching my youngest to read…okay that one is really cool 🙂 photography, and reading your blog.
PS ~ I’m just kidding the about dishes, luandry, cleaning my house, and school…those are things I have to do. . . All the rest ~ I do for fun…and I love your blog 😉
PSS ~ Tell your brother in law : These are really cool!
Most of my life I played piano as therapy. I tickled the ivories daily. I gave away the piano after Hurricane Katrina to a church that needed it for funerals. Sad but true. Now . . . several years later, I am ready again. Music is calling.
I love to scrapbook, although I’m terribly behind on doing it.
lol on Frank Zappa, I would of thought it was the same thing! Hobbies? Me? Mmmm I have many. So I’ll just say writing.
I have many hobbies…one is I make necklaces
I guess taking pictures : )
those are great! I had a friend who used to varnish them and make jewelry with them! My only hobbies are writing and blogging.
That’s pretty cool! I take flour and sugar and eggs and such and turn them into food. Fortunately, I love doing that, too 🙂
Reading books, about books, about authors. I’m a person of limited talents 🙂 But I like it.
Love the Captain Morgan!
That’s very cool! I scrapbook 🙂 digitally and the old skool way too 🙂 Altho it seems i’m more of a paper hoarder and all things scrappy.
Those are fabulous! I love things made into other things.
Scrapbooking! I have my own company with my own patented product 🙂
Scrap It Simple is me!
It was drinking whiskey until a couple of weeks ago. Now, I’m thinking about reading wonderful blogs again. 🙂 I’ve missed you!! I love you!!
BTW, your brother in law is talented!!! Hugs!!
What wonderful pieces of art!
My hobbies? Blogging, photography, reading, walking.
Does online shopping count as a hobby? Ha! And he should make a Captain Jack Sparrow one. Just sayin’.
Stopping by to see if you had a post up and I missed it.
Hope your doing well!
I have a plethora of hobbies: breathing, waiting for the mailman to deliver my spam snail mail, complaining, and raising radishes on my future burial plot.
Oh, and I’ve been collecting stamps since I was a kid; it’s quite large. Need a stamp?
I suppose my hobby is blogging, but I might consider taking up sea shell painting. Much cooler and ladies probably dig it.
No dahlink, blogging is your calling!
I have hobbies, but nothing that requires talent, like that. Mine are reading, gardening, and of course, blogging!
Hobbies… maybe when I’m done with school? I like to cook, but my husband likes regular country cookin’ so I don’t get to experiment much unless I want him to look at me like I’m trying to poison him.
No but I do collect sand dollars 🙂
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