I don’t blog much about my life as an actor because lately there hasn’t been much to blog about. I am carrying a bunch of extra weight and I don’t really like going on auditions at this weight. It’s one thing to feel heavy around “regular” people, but actors can be really skinny and there are already so many reasons to be insecure that I really don’t need to be the “biggest” person in the room.
In the last few days, I’ve gotten two auditions and as much as I wanted to turn them down I just couldn’t justify giving in to my insecurities. They are both for SAG national commercials and since my family is not doing well financially it would really make a world of difference if I booked that kind of a gig. So I put my doubts aside, slathered on some make-up, and put on whatever fit.
It turns out I got a check availability for one of them! For those of you who don’t act that means that I’m on the short list for booking the commercial. It’s not mine, but it means I’m a finalist. Even if I don’t get it, it’s good for my ego right now. But if I do get it, it’s really good for my family.
I really believe in the power of positive thought. If you are reading this, could you kindly take a moment and wish me luck? Could you ask the universe to bless me with this opportunity? I would truly appreciate it.
Thank you!
Good Luck! How exciting. If you get it will you let us know what it is so we can keep an eye out for it, or will your disguise for the blog not allow you to share that information?
Done! Wishes of good luck have been sent your way. Today and always!!Hugs!!
Good thoughts comin' at you hard!
Good luck! Sending good wishes and prayers your way…I hope you get it!
I think that we can be our own worst critic sometimes (or all the time!) Good luck! Positive thoughts are being sent your way. 🙂
Good luck, I hope you get it! Good for you going to the audution anyways! Sometimes I think we are the only ones worried about how much we weigh. By going and being a finalist, I'm sure you proved that to yourself!!!
Good Luck!!! I'll be sending lots of good thoughts for you out into the universe! I hope you'll let us know if you get it and when we may be able to see it!And if you don't get it this time, may it lead to something even better! How awesome. So excited for you!
Woohoo! Very, VERY exciting! I'm glad you went.
Sending good luck vibes to you. 🙂
You should be very proud of yourself that you did go fo rht audiotions an dhta tyou are a in the running. I wish you all the best. Keep us psoted.
Sorry for my crazy typos here is the proper comment! I typed fast and then went to look it over but I hit post instead of preview!You should be very proud of yourself that you did go for the auditions and that you are in the running. I wish you all the best. Keep us posted.
Praying it works out!! Good luck. 🙂
I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!!Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
Go kick some ass!!
My fingers and toes are crossed for you!
Sending mucho luck your way! I admire your attitude and confidence! This. Will. Work. Out!
Sending you LOTS of happy thoughts!!!!!
Buena suerte!
Hey! That's really great. Good for you. Sending good kharma and prayers your way 🙂
I could have sworn I left a comment yesterday wishing you good luck but I don't see it…so double good luck from me now!
Holding good thought and crossing my fingers and toes for you!!!!
Crossing fingers and other body parts. Any news yet?
Good Luck…Have faith in yourself….Think positive…You will get the job.