The Women’s Building in San Francisco begs to be photographed. The outside of the building is adorned with a mural called MaestraPeace Mural, which was painted in 1984 by seven muralists. I can’t tell you how may photos of it I’ve taken because I lost count a long time ago.
San Francisco Women’s Centers, a non-profit group that was founded in 1971, moved into the building in 1979 after having outgrown their previous headquarters. Their mission statement reads:
The Women’s Building is a women-led community space that advocates self-determination, gender equality and social justice.
Since 1971, San Francisco Women’s Centers has represented and been guided by the belief that all women and girls have the right to safe, joyous and creative lives.
Every day at The Women’s Building:
- Women can take care of themselves and their families by using our social services.
- The well-being of women and girls is improved by our social justice advocacy.
- Community groups in our Nonprofit Hub strengthen their community work by interacting and partnering with each other in a vibrant, socially progressive and affordable space.
Each year we welcome over 25,000 women and their families, connecting them with social services, community involvement opportunities, the arts, wellness and educational events.
Thankfully, the mortgage on the building was paid off by the non-profit in 1995 so they don’t have to worry about the ridiculous real estate costs of San Francisco.
The Women’s Building
3543 18th Street #8,
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 431-1180
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That looks cool.
This is stunning! We are long overdue to visit SF again.
That’s a beautiful building!