Wow! It makes me feel a little guilty to make what seems like a bitch list, but I think I’ll let my inner Bitch roar for a bit.
Here’s my list of 10 things I’m sick of, in no particular order:
I am sick of customers who ask the same question in different ways hoping they’ll get a different answer. It’s one thing when you don’t understand, but when you keep asking because you don’t get an answer you like please keep in mind that the person you are badgering has been badgered by at least 100 other people asking the same questions and making the same dumb jokes.
Here’s a sample script:
Customer: So it’s not free to see the special exhibit?
Me: No.
Customer: So I have to pay?
Me: Yes.
Customer: Can I just walk through really quickly without paying?
Me: No.
Customer: Is it worth paying for?
Me: (thinking: Hey Moron, it’s art. How the hell do I know if you are going to like it? I don’t know you and why would you trust my opinion since you don’t know me and I work here so even if I don’t like it I’m going to say something diplomatic.) Well, art is subjective. Isn’t that the beauty of it?
Customer: Is there any way you could let me in for free?
Me: No.
Customer: But, it’s free in New York.
Me: (with a smile) Unfortunately, you are in San Francisco.
Customer: So, I have to pay?
Me: Yes.
Customer: How much is it?
Me: $10
Customer: (taking out Prada, Louis Vuitton, or any other obviously expensive wallet stuffed with money) Oooh-kay.
ALSO READ: 11 #WinMeOverIn4Words Tweets That Are Pretty Hard to Resist
Ha, love your list! 2, 6, 7, 8, 10 exactly how I feel. Glad I found your blog from Mama Kat’s
funny!!glad I found you, it’s great to find fellow mami’s, cause Im also a mami, not really a mommy =p
Funny blog! Glad I found your from Mama Kat:)
Oh, lord, the insurance company. I think I could list 10 things just about them that I can’t stand.
Awesome list! So with you on #2 and I LOVE #7.
Great list. I am so with you on #8, I don’t get why the commercials are so much louder.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today so I could find yours! I love it! Your list hit upon many things I experience, too. I was never more tired of junk mail then this past December. We had only moved into our house the month before, and I think we received over 200 catalogs addressed to the previous owners. I now despise catalogs, especially since it’s all online now. Well, I’m off to read more of your other posts now!
Too funny!!! I so agree with all of what you said! Actually, #8, my husband and I get into a tiny argument because of it. You see, he loves ESPN and their CM’s are really loud. My husband loves to watch TV loud to beging with, so when it goes to CM’s, it is so loud that my heart jumps. It’s not good..
The insurance company and ridiculous prices of doctor’s visits and credit card companies that jack your rate up for no reason. I’m sick sick sick of them all! Found you through Mama Kat. Nice list!
Yeah… #2 drives me nuts, too. This is an excellent list. The only thing you forgot is the telephone maze… as when you are trying get specific answers to a problem with a product or an account, and you keep getting a computer voice offering numbered options instead of a real human. Hate those. Thanks for visiting… and Happy Birthday (even if I’m a tad late…)
“I’m sick of always waiting for something to be happy. I need to embrace happiness now.”So wise. So right.
I'm right there with you on most all of them. I have a list of really dumb questions tourists ask that is similar to your number one. It just hurts my head… a lot.Oh yeah… came via SITS