It is important in our everyday life to notice and be grateful for all that we have. Being grateful is empowering and makes you focus on what you have instead of what you don’t have. When you are grateful for what you have, you come to realize that you always ALWAYS have something to give, something to share, or some way to help. I would like to share 3 EASY WAYS TO GIVE TO CHARITY, even when you think you have nothing to give…
- Around the holidays you don’t have to go far to see bins set up for you to donate food. This is such a simple way to give and can be done in a way that costs you absolutely nothing. So many grocery stores offer buy one, get one free offers on all sorts of food items: pasta, canned foods, you name it. Go ahead and buy yourself that item that you need and put the one you get for free inside one of these bins. You can often find these bins at the supermarket you are shopping at right by the doors as you exit, which means you aren’t even going out of your way to give. 1 in 6 Americans face hunger, help feed them. Use the Food Bank Locatorto find a food bank near you.
- All year long, you can donate clothing, furniture, or items you no longer need or want, but that are in perfectly good condition to a thrift store whose proceeds support non-profit organizations. At certain places like Community Thrift in San Francisco, you can even specify which organization you would like the proceeds to go to. I keep a bin in our laundry room that I put items to give away in and when it’s full, we donate the lot. Shoot I can clear out my clutter and help financially support my daughter’s preschool at the same time.
- One of my absolute favorite ways to give isn’t even giving at all; it’s loaning. I help finance microloans to entrepreneurs that might not otherwise qualify for typical bank loans. This might sound like it is out of your reach, but it’s not. I make loans $25 dollars at a time via KIVA. Talk about empowering, I started off by lending $25 dollars to a woman in Samoa to buy supplies for her shaved ice business. When she paid me back, I lent the money out again and once a year I try to add another $25 dollars to the pot. I could choose to take my money back once it has been paid back, but once I have loaned it out, I do not miss it and it does so much more good being loaned out to those that are helping themselves. So far I have helped 7 people and I was super excited when KIVA started offering opportunities to loan to people in the United States. In the U.S. I’ve loaned money to a bodega owner and a cosmetologist.
As I wrote about #3, I started crying because not one single person has defaulted on the loans I’ve made. I find that amazing and proof that sometimes all someone needs to succeed is a little help from you or me.
Look around, find easy, creative, and small ways to give. If you have a lot, give a lot; if you have a little, give a little.
How do you give?
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. I am a Britax Latina Advisory Board Member and Blogger. As always, all opinions, ideas, and stories are my own. You can connect with BRITAX on Twitter and Facebook.
These are very interesting and meaningful ways to give.
Great reminder now that the holidays are getting into full swing.
The first 2 you mentioned are exactly where most of my charitable donations go and they really are the easiest ways to give.
I am a big supporter of our local food bank because I can’t imagine anything worse than being hungry.
I also donate a lot of clothes and household goods to charity thrift stores. I do a lot of my shopping there also. It’s a vicious cycle – I can’t drop of a bag without picking up a few things while I’m there.
I’m going to look into KIVA – that sounds like a wonderful program.
Mami, I made a slideshow of my blogger friends at my post Oh how I miss you. I used pictures from profiles of bloggers, except for yours. I posted your picture from your Miami friends get together. I hope it is okay, if it is not, please let me know.
It is okay! I’ll be by to check it out soon. Love you.
I just heard about Kiva a couple of weeks ago. Very cool and I’m glad to get your endorsement of it. I’ll go back and check it out. Happy Friday!
Brilliant! One of my favorites is the BOGO – I collect them and distribute them. We do not have bins here to do that. I also carry something on a daily basis – I have a bin at home where I collect things I’d like to give away. Then of course, while spring cleaning the loads are larger and I go directly to the welfare homes to donate them.
I also fund some of our local “businesses” – like the flower lady, the veg sellers and other roadside shops and also shop with them. I think I’ll do a post about this too. Then I can cleverly post this link to your post for three ways to give easily. Hugs!
You know I love you!
I was given a Kiva gift card a few Christmases ago. The loan was paid back and then I of course reinvested it. It is a wonderful program.
Kiva rocks. I give at school, buying from the first kid who asks me, for an unlimited number of fundraisers throughout the year. I also donate stuff to Goodwill on a regular basis. It’s pretty easy to make a difference in this world.
This is wonderful. I’ve been meaning to use Kiva, I’m glad to hear about your positive experience. Its amazing how a loan that would seem so small here can do so much good in the world. Inspiring.
Very nice and easy ways. I didn’t know about the food bank one. And I love Kiva!!
I have been wanting to do Kiva for a long time and this has reminded me. Thank you!
I really love KIVA and what they do.
I heard about KIVA some time ago and I love that project! Thanks for sharing