My girls love the beach even when it’s too cold to wear a bathing suit. Ocean Beach is pretty much always on the chillier side, but it’s still so much fun.
San Francisco, CA
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Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography carnival or photography meme (with or without words) that not only lets you share your part of the world, but lets you visit other parts of the world virtually. If you link up, please link back or post the Sundays In My City button either in your post or sidebar to let people know that other bloggers are sharing their communities too. Happy trails!
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I like the waves. I rarely go into the water.
My favorite kind of day!
I agree with your girls the beach is awesome anytime of year! Great photos!
I am with your girls on this one, it is a wonderful place regardless of the time of year
Just waiting for it to warm up a bit more before I drive myself to the shore! So nice to see photos of the ocean!
just beautiful Claudya, I miss Sundays in My City
You know there is always an standing invitation for you.
Love Ocean Beach – looks like a great day!
I LOVE the beach! Glad you had fun!