I had a baby about 2 months ago and I’ve been feeling pretty good about myself. I’ve lost a bunch of weight and I’ve started exercising regularly. I’m not where I’d like to be, but still I wasn’t feeling too shabby until my two year old served up a dose of reality.
I have to pump all the time because my newborn is one bad mother-sucker and needs help transferring the milk from my breast. You should also know that at the moment my breast are enormous, scary big. I am always wearing a bra because I don’t want to accidentally hurt anyone with my unfettered beasts breasts. The only time my breasts are allowed to roam free is when I’m showering or pumping.
Anyway, I was pumping and Put Pie (my 2 year old) called out to me. I zipped up my loose sweatshirt without binding my milk makers and went to her room. When I got there, she looked a little perplexed and looked at Unknown Papi who was sitting next to her, then at me, pointed at my stomach and said, “Baby?!”
She was asking if I had another baby in there. Now I know my stomach isn’t flat, but come on! My husband started laughing, much to my dismay. I patted my belly, smoothed down my sweatshirt and said, “No mi’ja. No baby. See?” She smiled and said, “Oh, just chi chis!”
Can you believe that? Apparently, my boobies were hanging so low, she thought I was pregnant again. For crying our loud! And Unknown Papi was laughing his head off. Let’s see how funny he thinks it is when he’s not allowed anywhere near my ta tas.
Uh oh, it sounds like Papi will be finding out there is a price to pay for for that big belly laugh he enjoyed (no pun intended).
Hehe, that’s a little funny, but I’m guessing Papi will think twice about laughing at the girls next time. 😉
Lol! Kids say the funniest things! – G
Stupid Papi! Let him have the next baby! LOL!!! I know you look amazing!!!! Same thing happened to me. . . 🙂
You are hilarious!!!
One thing I’ve learned is to never ask anybody if she’s pregnant!
Oh, little Put Pie will figure it out one day… Hopefully, so will Papi…
Sweet Put Pie :), Unknown Papi why did you laugh? LOL, he is going to learn the hard way 🙂
Oh, what a day breaker! Hugs!
Um, I’m not going anywhere near this one. LOL
Bwahahaha! Okay i laughed. I love how you make me laugh.
Hahahaha!!!! Chi chis! Love it.
Great story. File this one in the “Out of the mouths of babes” category.
Ok, I have to admit… if I’d been in UP’s shoes, I would’ve reacted the same way as he did. On the other hand if I’d been in your shoes I think I wouldn’t have been so amused *L*
Ha.. now there’s something I’ll never experience. I’m lucky if I can even find them. Life is so amusing… and so are you. 🙂
Hahaha who got the last laugh now Papi! I remember my nursing days….I hubby always had this kid in the candy store look about him…unfortunately the candy store was closed!
HILARIOUS!!! Kids are great for self-esteem, right??
When I worked in Korea, I was talked about all the time by little korean kids. I was told it’s a cultural thing-if you represent an animal, it’s not an insult to tell you. Hmmm….wrong. And mean. Whatever.
I think if women do the birthing part, men should get to do the nursing part. Wouldn’t THEY just love to have great big breasts. Ha!
This is a very funny story, Mami.
xo jj
wow – can’t say I’ve ever had my boobs mistaken for my stomach 😉 you go girl with those huge knockers 😀
Isn’t that just like a kid. The other day, one of mine made a comment about my mustache. Don’t worry, I had that sucker waxed the next day.
Oh heavens! Bob and I are sitting here laughing at this post. We remember those days oh so well. Love it!
My daughter-in-law went through this twice..last time two years ago!! She really had a tough time weaning the second one. I remember having to shop for the special bra’s for her for the first one and in India we did not have much choice then five years ago. Finally found it in Mothercare!!
Love your blogs–real slice of life with humour.
I know this shouldn’t be funny, but it did give me a Wednesday evening laugh. perhaps plastic surgery with a little nip and tuck and augment there is in order down the line??
That. Is. Awesome.
that goober!! so not funny, nursing ‘ladies’ are so heavy!!!
I’m still working on that baby fat!!! This is hysterical, you have me in stitches today!
Hahaha. I love this post (it is very funny) and I love the words you use (ex.mi’ja,etc.). In spite of it, I believe that Put Pie finds her mom beautiful 🙂
P.S. It’s been two months already?! Wow, it just seemed like yesterday when I read your gave birth post. Time flies and good job on the exercise. I’ve been getting back to that myself 🙂
I’m speechless but my imagination is not.
Kids are great for telling it like it is.
Little kids say the funniest things!!
Ohhh I’ve had the exact same thing happen with my girls too. Mine are huge anyways, but with milk that could probably feed triplets… Lord help me! Unknown Papi definitely needs a time out from the ta tas for laughing!!!
Oh the joys of having big boobs.