(UPDATE: My beloved Dill passed away on August 30, while lying on my chest.)
My Dearest Dill,
How could I have ever imagined that I would come to love you as much as I do? I was so hesitant to get a hamster, but the girls wanted a hamster so badly and after taking care of one of their class hamsters for a weekend, I became more open to the idea.
One day we decided to just go look at hamsters and when we got to the store, you were the only hamster there and you were on sale for half off. When I asked the attendant why you were on sale, he told us that it was because you were an albino hamster and your red eyes creeped people out so you had been languishing there for months.
We brought you home and you didn’t want anything to do with us. You didn’t trust us and you let us know. The girls were bummed, but I was patient. I knew I would win you over and I did. You started to trust me and I became so enamored of you that I put your cage in my office so that I could have you near whenever I was working. I even stopped calling it my office and started calling it Dill’s room.
Taking care of you has never been a chore because you have given me so much in return. When I couldn’t sleep because of my anxiety I would go sit by your cage and watch you. Minutes later I would notice that my chest was no longer tight, my body was more relaxed and my breathing had settled down. You were like my magical anti-anxiety angel.
I loved calling out your name or variations of your name: Dill, Di Leonardo da Vanci, Di Leonardo DiCaprio, and Dill Roy Lindo.
Ugh, I hate that I’m already speaking of you in the past tense. It’s just that you are so weak and frail right now that I don’t think you’ll be with us much longer and it is breaking my heart. I hold you as much as I can because it seems to bring you comfort and because I’m selfish and want to spend as much time with you as I possibly can before you are gone. I want to feel your warmth as you sleep on me and I want you to feel loved because you are so loved, my dear little friend.
For days I’ve been hoping for a miracle. Hoping that you would get better, but you haven’t and now I just want what is best for you. I will love you forever. I wish that I could have had you for longer, but will always, always be grateful for the time I was blessed to spend with you.
Con mucho amor and so much gratitude,
Your Greatest Admirer
P.S. All those people who thought your red eyes were creepy are idiots. I’m so sorry we didn’t find you sooner. We would have picked you even if you weren’t the last hamster there because you were always meant to be a part of our family.
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San Francisco, CA
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