Reporting on my adjustment to my new job at Mamás Latinas.
It turns out I can write 6 posts a day, who knew? I can also work full-time while hacking up my lungs.
I learned that you should never work on the sofa even if you are really sick because you will just end up making your body ache and you’ll feel like crying when you try to fall asleep.
I’m enjoying the challenge and feel like I am growing a lot.
I am doing my best to stick to my authentic voice and express my opinions without tearing others down.
I am laughing off comments that are mean and trying to rip me a new one because well, they don’t really know me and if they don’t agree and want to be rude that’s okay because they are helping me pay my bills, they can rant at me all they want and I hope they keep reading because traffic is traffic and I can cash their rants at the bank as soon as they get turned into my paycheck.
I learned that I still love to blog and that it helps to have a place that is all my own.
I like the people I am working with and even though I work from home, it’s so nice to interact with them throughout the day.
I learned to be showered and ready to go because you never know when there will be a Google Hangout meeting headed your way.
I learned that I’m super-proud of myself for taking a risk.
Here are a few of the things I wrote at Mamás Latinas this week:
- Same sex marriage: Sonia Sotomayor schools us all on equality
- Welcome to the Latino States of America!
- Hilarious graffiti at baby changing stations that will make you feel better about poop
Stayed tuned for next week when my life starts to resemble an episode of Sex in the City.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Be yourself.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
Your blog as your place – yes. One the big pluses I find in blogging is writing your own rules. At times the rules/ideas don’t go over well but at least they were ones you had and not dictated to you. I don’t think you would purposely write to incite reactions but a few in media have, shock jock Howard Stern, big mouth Rush Limbaugh. Be true and stay healthy.
I’m so glad you are enjoying the new job!
There is something about having something specific to do that you love. Motivation then comes easily. So glad it’s working out so well for you.
you go girl!
Loved your comment about taking those ‘rants’ to the bank. It is nice to see another supporting their family doing what they enjoy. I will have to hop over and check out some of your recent articles. Have a great week and I hope that nasty bug is gone.
You are Fab.
btw, working from home is my DREAM JOB!
Happy Easter, Rock Star. xx
Perhaps I am a bit reactionary, but when I first read that people were giving you a hard time I wanted to go and tell them where they could shove it! I was *thisclose* to doing that before I remembered that even better than fighting fire with fire is sending love. So instead of giving those jerks any sense of self importance, I am sending you lots of love and hope you know that so many more of us are rooting for you than not. I’m so happy you have found a path doing what you love and sharing your voice with others. And if you ever really want to throw down on the internet, just let me know, I’ll take off my earrings and grease up with some vaseline any time for you 😀
Congratulations on your new job!
That is so awesome.
And I love your comment about cashing in on people’s mean comments.
I am proud of you. That is all.
Working while hacking up lungs = not okay! Take a sick day! Take a sick day!