Golden Gate Park
San Francisco, CA
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Very cool shots. =)
LOVE the solitary little shoe way out there on a post.
You noticed the little shoe! I kept wondering if anyone would come by to claim it.
That first picture is my favorite. I love it!
I bet those socks were hard to wash clean! 😀
Kids love to climb. I wonder why.
Looks like fun!
Love the perspective on that first shot, wonderful depth of field.
Great shots…..Have a wonderful Sunday!
As a grandmother I have come to appreciate taking the grands to the park. Who needs a gym membership when you just have to keep up with the kids?
I agree with Joe, the first thing I thought was remembering washing socks for my kids after they played without shoes. It meant more that they were having fun and the bleach could always bring back the sparkle to the socks. Nice pictures, so glad you have the gorgeous areas for your family to play.
My kids have utterly dingy socks and I’m totally okay with it. It’s not one of the battles I choose to fight.
You are a wise mom.
Awesome shots! Love the shoe in the first shot.
you did some good logging on this one.
Nice collection of photos all in a row, Mami. I like these.
And your girls are growing like crazy! I think you should do a post on how your keep their socks so clean 😉
Have a great week, xo jj
Love the photos! Hope your having a nice week.
Beautiful pictures! Any photo with your gorgeous daughters has to be! The first one is breathtaking – cute shoe on the last stump!
Wonderful photos, I really like these excellent compositions aligned, high quality!