Just in case you missed President Obama’s State of the Union Address, here is an enhanced broadcast provided by WhiteHouse.gov. Being that it is an enhanced broadcast, if you would like to skip right to the State of the Union Address, you will want to go 4:33:24 in the video.
Love is Rainbow Colored
I published these quotes by Harvey Milk last year on Valentine’s Day. I still believe that love includes all the colors of the rainbow. Love for all. Love in color!
Getting Kids Styled at Great Prices #OldNavy #CGC #spon
On Friday, instead of taking my 4-year-old to preschool. I called her preschool and had the following conversation… Me: Hi, this is Unknown Mami, Put Pies’ mom. She won’t be going to school today because we decided to take an impromptu vacation day. Teacher: Oh, how nice. Where are you going? Me: We’re going to […]
Still Life of a 2 Year Old’s Birthday (Sundays In My City)
Still lifes from last weekend when Luna Pie celebrated the big 0-2! San Francisco, CA. I showed you mine, now show me yours. Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography carnival or photography meme (with or without words) that not only lets you share your part […]
Multitasking has its Limits (Fragmented Fridays)
Making garlic bread and forgetting to put garlic on the bread is almost as bad as applying for a job and forgetting to submit your résumé. I did both this week. Why? Because… On the other hand, It’s amazing how much you can get done, if you actually do what you are supposed to be […]
Me at latinamom.me
If you know me, then you know I’m a Latina and I also happen to be a mom. Latina + mom = me Sounds simple, but it’s complex, and it’s just who I am. You can imagine that when I was approached to write for a brand new site: latinamom.me, that I was thrilled because […]
Wherever I go…
In life, I find… that no matter how much I try to deny it, wherever I go, there I am. What about you?
Free Valentine’s Day Cards (Printable)
Last year, in honor of Valentine’s Day, I created social media conversation hearts. This year, I turned those hearts into free printable Valentine’s Day cards. I made them with my online valentines in mind (yes, you). I get a lot of love from folks on the internet and since I’m unlikely to mail each and […]
Are you Green? #GreenHousewives
Truthfully, I don’t consider myself the “greenest” of the green, but I’m definitely a shade of green. I recycle, use eco-friendly cleaners, carry reusable bags, consider my impact on the environment. I am green, but I am not perfect. I don’t always (like I fail at this one all the time) compost, I use way […]
Happy Birthday Luna Pie (Sundays In My City)
This Sunday (2/3/2013) Luna Pie, my one kidney wonder, turns 2. We celebrate. San Francisco, CA. I showed you mine, now show me yours. Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography carnival or photography meme (with or without words) that not only lets you share your part of the world, […]