My eyes are telling me that I need to spend less time on the computer, I suppose I’ll listen. In an effort to give my eyes a rest, I’ve been typing this post with my eyes closed. Ugh, I opened my eyes and I had typed “five my eyes a rest”, instead of “give my […]
I Love BOB! (Stroller #Giveaway)
I love BOB! I love BOB and my husband is totally okay with it because he loves BOB too. We are happy to share BOB with each other. Our BOB is a Stroller Strides Duallie. We love it! It turns on a dime, it’s easy to steer with one hand, it’s just plain awesome…BUT…go ahead, […]
Stop! Right now. I want you to STOP right now and make a wish. Wait! I want to make sure that you make a wish for YOURSELF. Make it something good and wonderful. Did you do it? I hope your wish comes true.
Snug and Dry is How We Like It
No one, but no one is prepared for the amount of poop and pee they will deal with when they become a parent. It’s crazy. It’s a lot! It’s messy! It’s yucky! You arm yourself with your weapons of choice, roll up your sleeves, and do your best to keep their tushies and yourself clean. […]
On the Stoop (Sundays In My City)
My youngest spending some quality time on the stoop. San Francisco, CA I showed you mine, now show me yours. Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography carnival or photography meme (with or without words) that not only lets you share your part of the world, but […]
Do You Believe in Ghosts? (Fragmented Fridays)
Tell the truth, do you believe in ghosts? I don’t, not really, except for when I’m scared by a sound in the middle of the night or that time I lived in a haunted house. My mother on the other hand, that lady sees ghosts so often she should just start having regular poker nights […]
Kismet and Yogurt
It’s no secret that I believe in kismet (i.e. synchronicity). Why wouldn’t I, when I experience it all the time? I told you that Tillamook gave me a chance to try their yogurts for free and that I was totally game because I am already a huge fan of their cheeses. They have 21 flavors […]
Mixing Prints
My 4-year-old mixes patterns like a pro. In fact, she is much better at mixing patterns than I am. She put together this outfit with absolutely no input from me. In this ensemble, she has managed to look perfectly put together in polka dots, stripes, and a floral pattern. One of the secrets to making […]
Cold Season Woes
“Mama, I need Mama”, I hear from the littlest one in my home and I know she needs me more than usual. “I want Mama”, says my oldest who is all of 4-years-old and I know that even though she is a TOTAL daddy’s girl, that no one, but no one can substitute for me. […]
SOMA Streat Food Park (Sundays In My City)
SOMA StrEAT Food Park. San Francisco, CA. I showed you mine, now show me yours. Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography carnival or photography meme (with or without words) that not only lets you share your part of the world, but lets you […]