We’ve been spending a lot of time this summer fishing without water. Do you fish?
Summer To Do List
I have a summer to do list, do you? I’ve just discovered the joys of making lists. I know, right?! What took me so long? I just never saw the need before, then I procreated and lost all memory skills as soon as my first child was born (perhaps, memory passes with the placenta). Now […]
Parenting Tips: Tackling Messes and Stress #HuggiesLatino
Sometimes I think my life could be dated as my life before wipes (BW) and my life after wipes (AW). Of course I’m talking about baby wipes. Parenting is a messy, messy and sometimes stressful job. As the mami of a 3 year-old (no longer in diapers, but messy none the less) and a 17 […]
Morning Dew (Sundays In My City)
Morning dew in San Francisco, CA. I showed you mine, now show me yours. Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography carnival or photography meme (with or without words) that not only lets you share your part of the world, but lets you visit other parts of […]
How to Know When Enough is Enough (Fragmented Fridays)
Recently, I wrote a post on Saying No and yet I’ve been finding myself saying yes far too often lately. Yes is a good thing if it brings good into your life, but how do you know when enough is enough? How do you know when some of your yeses need to turn into nos? […]
Why is Education Important? #WaveForChange
We’re always being told of the importance of a good education, we are encouraged to get one, we encourage our children to get one, but why? Why is education important? Does an education really make your life better? Here’s my perspective. I am the daughter of an immigrant Mexican mother. My mother was born and […]
Cute Kitten Pictures and a Riddle
What’s cuter than cute kittens? My kids petting cute kittens!
On Trend? #DoveBeauty #spon
Last week, I shared the following beauty advice: the best way to avoid beauty disasters is to stop them before they even happen. Today I share another bit of wisdom that will help you avoid beauty disasters : BEWARE OF TRENDS! Just because something is in style or popular does not mean that it will […]
Caring for our Elders: Latino Caregivers #CaregiverComfort
I am going to discuss something that makes me extremely uncomfortable: caring for our elders. Perhaps I’ll sound heartless, unkind, or extremely selfish, but this is my truth: as long as I can remember I have been terrified by the thought of having to care for my mother when she gets old. Growing up as […]
At the Legion of Honor (Sundays In My City)
These pictures were taken on a Sunday in early May at the Legion of Honor and have been waiting patiently to show themselves. San Francisco, CA. I showed you mine, now show me yours. Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography carnival […]