Oh my frickin-dee-frack, I bought myself another planner. Yes, ANOTHER!
Honestly, I couldn’t help myself. I have no idea how I clicked onto it, but it was some very clever ad placement somewhere that obviously knows my taste because I clickity clicked my way into purchasing this “I Am Very Busy” planner by ban.do. This is my first ban.do planner ever, but I know for a fact it’s not my last (I already bought a larger size, but more on that one in another post) because I like it.
ALSO READ: How to Give Youself an A-Line Bob (Because I totally did!)
It’s got cute artwork all over the place with credits to the artists in the back.
The weekly view gives you plenty of room to write.
AND it even comes with a “cute stickers” page.
This particular ban.do agenda measures 5.5 inches by 8.5 inches. It starts in August and continues until December of the following year which makes it a 17 month agenda. I plan on keeping this cutie in my purse.
I bought mine at Hello Holiday for $20 where it is currently sold out. You can also buy it directly from ban.do for the same price.
If you’d like to take a look inside, check out my unboxing video below:
Do you use a paper planner?
What a cute planner, I love it!
I know, I can’t wait until August to start using it.
VERy cute planner. I’ve used a planner since forever and just can’t seem to switch to my phone or iPad– I really love seeing the week at once and the note and doodles I make on the pages– This one looks perfect. I’ll keep it in mind for my next one!
I try to use my phone, but I don’t get the same pleasure out of it.
How cute are those planners? OH EM GEE LADY!!! I need to get my hands on one of those. They are perfect for doodling!!! La la la….
And if I might add my two cents in….I not only dig paper planners I think they are waaaaaaaaaay better than digital ones…oh yeah!!!
Loved this. Had one ordered from ban.do before your video ended. Used the code “stickaround” and got $2.00 off!
Isn’t it the cutest? I’m such a sucker that I also bought their big version to keep on my desk at all times because of course I did.
Is there enough room to actually write what you have to do that day plus your home work?
In my opinion there is. I like that it’s a horizontal layout on the days because it’s easier to write in that than in a narrow vertical layout. This is their smaller version. They have a larger version that is spiral bound that I use as well, but it’s too big in my opinion to carry around everywhere. You might want to check out these academic planners as well: http://shop.abeautifulmess.com/shop/abm-exclusives/busy-2016-academic-planners. They are super cute and seem to have lots of room for writing and notes as well. Also, check out this website: http://www.mochithings.com/ for undated planners that you can start at any point.