Would you like to know what the least favorite part of my day is? Just say yes because I’m going to tell you anyway. Bedtime. Bedtime is the least favorite part of my day. Specifically my daughters’ bedtime.
It’s not that I can’t stand to have them go to bed and will miss them horribly. Oh no, when it’s time for them to go to bed, I’m ready for them to go to bed. Would that it were as simple as just putting them in bed, but NO! They insist on fighting the whole process. I won’t go into the details, suffice it to say that it is a long drawn out process that usually leaves me exhausted.
I’ll admit that I have a bad attitude about it. I go into the nighttime routine expecting the worst and that’s what I get most of the time. Fortunately I am on a first name basis with El Maestro Del Vaso LLeno* ( I call him El Maestro, he calls me Unknown). He listened to my gripes and told me that if I wanted my daughters to enjoy the bedtime routine, then I needed to enjoy the bedtime routine.
He suggested I add some joy to our bedtime routine and that I remember to actually follow the routine instead of chucking it out the window as soon as I get exasperated. Fine! I get it. I will try.
I love my girls and I want them to have healthy sleep habits now that will serve them well for a lifetime. Not to mention that when they sleep well, they are so much more delightful than when they don’t and when they sleep well, I sleep well. Have I mentioned that I LOVE to sleep?
Our routine now consists of arguing, crying, and staying up way too late. I’m kidding, but no so much. What our routine is supposed to consist of is setting the timer for bedtime, brushing our teeth, reading a book, and going to sleep.
Here’s what El Maestro suggested: add something fun when the timer goes off for bed so that the timer becomes a joyful sound instead of something they dread. Seeing the look of confusion on my face, El Maestro showed me the following video, which is part of a campaign “Ya es hora de ir a la cama” that will air every night between 7-9 pm (PT) on Telemundo and Univision as a gentle reminder to children and parents that it’s time to go to bed.
“When the timer goes off, serve them a glass of milk and let them watch this video. It will put them in the mindset that it is time for bed and you know what they say about a glass of milk before bedtime.”
I have always heard the theory that milk may help you get a good night’s sleep. I have noticed that both girls sleep better when I give them milk before bed. Whether it’s the actual milk or just having something in their tummies, I’ll take it.
Do you ever have a glass of milk before bed to help you sleep?
This is part of a sponsored campaign with the California Milk Processor Board and Latina Mom Bloggers. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
*Please not that El Maestro Del Vaso Lleno is a fictional character, which means that my conversation with him was purely imaginary and written for the sake of entertainment.
My closest friend in Honduras has an active toddler, who differs in temperament from the older girl. The 4-year-old has trouble with sleeping. Milk helps her when she wakes in the night, ready to get up and play. In fact, now she asks for milk, as she knows she will feel better with a glass of milk and good night’s rest.
Our night time routine started with bath time, every night a fun bath time for them to play in the tub and me there with them. Toys and bubbles. Then a snack while watching a short show, something to help calm and get ready for bed. It is indeed better for children to learn that going to bed for the night is relaxing and a happy time. Since each child is different, it sometimes takes one thing for one child and something else for another child for them to learn to like bed time. Sounds like you may have found a good solution for your girls.
Hey Claudya! I always had a routine as a kid, and I slept like a log. And I love milk. BAM! Indigo x
You are going about bedtime the right way. Setting a routine to follow will definitely help. My grandchildren have a snack before bed so they don’t wake up hungry. Let the kids help with the routine as well.
Hope it all gets sorted out for you. I remember those days very well. There have been times when I couldn’t sleep and have made myself some warm milk. It does help.
oy this is one of those make or break routines….we read…say the prayers…give the boys 15 minutes of their own reading and then lights out….occassionally they do a sneak over….imagine a seep over only they sneak room to room and sleep in each others room without us knowing….oy…still working on that one…
It honestly has been one of the most difficult parts of parenting for me thus far.
We don’t have bedtime problems every night, but when we do, they are the worst! He’s tired, we’re tired, and I just want him to go to sleep so I can veg out for minute (maybe even a glass of wine). But it seems the days I most need him to sleep on time are the days he’s determined to run us ragged.
Those photos make me want to hold my heart. Priceless. Beautiful. Xx
My son has a glass of milk every night and he is a great sleeper. I’ve also noticed I sleep way better when I have a one. I’ve started to do it as well as part of my routine.
La música es un buena actividad para recordarle a nuestros hijos que llego la hora de ir a la cama.