How do you feel about Black Friday? Are you into it, against it?
Here’s what I’m thinking…wouldn’t it be more politically correct to call it African-American Friday, or Multi-cultural Friday (since people of all cultures shop on that day), or Shoppers That Want a Great Deal and Don’t Mind Getting Up at the Crack of my Ass Friday?
Oh wait, I just checked Wikipedia and apparently it’s called Black Friday for totally different reasons. My bad.
I have to work today (Friday). I am so happy I don’t work retail. My sympathies to all the hardworking retail employees who are not going to get rich off of the profits made today. A lot more work for probably the same hourly wage as usual. Although, I’m sure that during these times many are just happy to have a job. I know I am.
I decided to go computer-free on Thanksgiving. I spend a lot of time online. You know how some people have the TV on in the background all the time? That’s how I am about the computer. I have 2 laptops on most of the day and when I get some time I hop online.
I announced to my husband Wednesday evening that I would be computer-free all day Thursday and he said, “THANK YOU!” I’m glad I did it because it helped me be fully present and enjoy my family and the holiday without distractions.
Today, before getting back on the computer I reflected on how I need to give my family more computer-free time. I felt pretty smug and satisfied. I stopped being so smug and satisfied when my computer refused to do anything that I wanted. I think it was getting back at me for having to spend Thanksgiving alone. It wouldn’t let me check my email or access my blog. I couldn’t even look up my work schedule. I decided to restart it and if it didn’t work after that then I would just turn it off and deal with it later. Well, it must have read my thoughts and feared being in isolation again because as soon as I restarted it, it went back to working perfectly. This computer is trying to be the boss of me, I just have to remind it and myself that I’m in charge.
Originally, we were going to spend Thanksgiving at home, but we got an invitation to go to a friend’s house and I’m so happy we did. The food was delicious, we were in the company of wonderful friends, 4 dogs, and we got to meet a delightful 95 year old gentleman that gives wonderful toasts. I was very thankful.
That’s it for me as I have to go to work. Have a great weekend!
It sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. 🙂
Your Thanksgiving day sounds like a great day. Even if your computer was paying you back for neglecting it. Regarding Black Friday, I don’t shop and don’t like shopping so therefore I don’t give presents, or at least rarely give gifts. So many years of shopping for gifts, wrapping and then I stopped. The world did not end. My kids and grandkids did not turn me in to the gift narcs. They accepted it. Homemade gifts are the best in my opinion. Or letters sharing who you are. Personal.
so you’re not getting me that wiz-bang super smart game playing gadget that I hang on ears?
Sorry, not getting it for you. I’m sure you will survive.
Nope. Not getting any gifts so don’t take it personally you silly guy. Did
you go shopping on Black Friday?
all the best to you, sugar! it was roast beef sandwiches, pumpkin pie, movies, football and a day spent in my pj’s! xoxoxox
Sounds like a great Thanksgiving! I don’t shop on Black Friday, online or otherwise, because it’s just too wild for me. Enjoy your family time!
My mom hates Black Friday and thinks we should all boycott the early hours, she says there is no reason to treat your employees like that ( making them get up early 3 a.m.) she wants to know how they can relax Thanksgiving knowing that they have to get up early the next day. My husband works retail he had to go in for 5 so an hour earlier so it wasn’t that bad, when he gets home we are headed to the beach with his family. Um you did ask me how I felt about it right? Sorry that was a long response!
I hope your husband survives the day intact and that you have a wonderful time at the beach.
Visit me at:
Black Friday was usually pretty good on me commission-wise when I worked retail… I think I’d have fits if I wasn’t getting something extra out of it!
Oh, I hope many employees get a comission or bonus, but so many stores just work on hourly wages.
That’s me, on the computer all day with the tv on! I am trying to walk away from it so I can decorate, wrap gifts, do cards, ship gifts, bake, etc., etc., etc.! We had a great dinner for just the two of us. Will be heading out to Los Angeles today for another dinner with our son however we will have to sit in the Black Friday traffic. I never shop on Black Friday. It wasn’t called that years ago! Enjoy your weekend.
Glad you had a yummy Thanksgiving with friends. We spend the day eating ourselves into food comas. It was amazingly delicious.
Wow, you went computer free??? I’m not even being sarcastic! I admit to being ruled by my addiction. Good on ya for withholding for 24 hours. Do tell though: how were the withdrawal symptoms?
It was hard. It made me realize how very much I rely on my computer. I did check email on my phone because I just couldn’t help myself, but that was it.
Good on you for confessing to a relapse.
Glad you had a good day! We, too, had a wonderful dinner. My oldest son and his wife outdid themselves. We were 6 aduts and 4 kids. My younger son and his wife have separated (sad to say) and he was there with his two kids, and so was my ex-husband. I sat across from my ex and beside my husband. You’d be surprised at how well everythng went!
I stayed off the computer for hours too to be with my family. Even watched the football game with my husband and our pets! Then today we went shopping at the mall at 7 a.m. and didn’t get back until 4 p.m. So far, my computer has handled my neglect of it okay–it’s working fine. Glad yours is back to normal.
I thought Black Friday had something to do with the 1929 stock market crash. It doesn’t really matter: I don’t even stick my head out the door on BF for fear someone will try to sell me something.
Glad you had a great holiday! I’ve been unplugged for most of the week and haven’t missed my BFF, the laptop *too* much.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time & I agree that computer needs to know whose in charge here 😉
Yes I will share the photo’s (if they are good)! I am so glad you had a good holiday; mine was very good but I am still exhausted from my surgery. I wanted to pick up the bigger babies so bad and could only put them on my lap (where they do not want to stay)!
Have a positive and powerful week…
Your day sounds delightful. I have been absent from the blog world because my kids stopped napping and I’m often too tired at the end of the day to deal with it. I miss it, but also like the freedom of it. Mixed emotions, for sure.
I had to work this morning so no Black Friday shopping for me. I don’t like crowds or waiting in line so even if I was off, I still don’t think I would venture out. Sounds like it was a neat Thanksgiving! Glad you took up your friend’s invite! Also glad you decided to go computer free! Always a good thing to de plug from these things!! (I spend way too much time on line 🙂
enjoy the weekend 🙂
Sounds like a perfect day–Glad you enjoyed it fully. Hope you had a great day at work 🙂
I’m not into shopping on Black Friday. Too much traffic, too many people, too much chaos. God bless retail employees. Good luck with the computer. When they act up, it’s very frustrating. I know.
NO WAY… Me neither! I would rather shop online and actually pay more than waste my time standing in line! I know… I’m no fun 🙂
Happy Weekend!
Since I go to bed around 3am (as it is right now in my part of the world) I am not in any shape to go out shopping at that time. I did however run over to OfficeMax around 2pm yesterday to pick up a few packages of padded envelopes. There were about 20 employees and all the registers were open and I was the only one in line. It was the fastest I’d ever gotten in and out of an office supply store. (and my padded envelopes were on sale!)
I loved working retail and food service on Black Friday. I loved the excitement, the energy and even the drama.
Sounds like a great Thanksgiving. I did you use my computer early in the am before anyone was up on Thanksgiving and for a short time after everyone was sleeping so I stayed off of mine too. I love elderly people so I can imagine his toasts were great. I don’t do the shopping thing and we don’t really have money for gifts this year…I am trying to not let it bother me but even if I did have money I would not go stand outside and freeze and fight crowds just to shop.
Happy Thanksgiving Mami! no shopping right now, not yet…. 🙂
You are always thinking, my friend!
So glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. XO!
I think black Friday is a occasion of shopping but it should be in a limit because everything exceeds from its limits is always ends in ominous situation.
Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving!!!
I hate black friday. Because I used to work retail and it blew monkey nuts. Big time. But, if people wanna do it, crazy bastids, do it, by all means! 🙂 lol
I remember one of you Black Friday stories from your blog.
Thank you for paving the way for me: I have resisted the urge to make Black Friday jokes, but I’m just going to say it – shouldn’t I get an extra discount on Black Friday? Just sayin’…
Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I had a feeling you would appreciate that particular bit.
… Oh wait, I just checked Wikipedia and apparently it’s called Black Friday for totally different reasons. My bad.
That totally cracked me up!!!
Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
That sounded like a wonderful Thanksgiving, I’m glad you went, too. I bet that 95 year old had some stories to tell!
He did have some amazing stories. He saw Hitler in person. Can you imagine?
Holy crap, he did? Wow!
I adore Black Friday. I don’t go so much for the deals (I save a little money here and there, sure) as I do for the people. Those that get up at the crack of your ass are really fun people. We laugh and talk for hours as we freeze in line. It really is the best time. And if I should happen to get that killer deal then it’s even more worth it!
The 95 year old with the great toasts made me cry. You just described my dad. It was a good cry.