Yesterday we went to breakfast with my mother-in-law and brother-in-law. We sat at a booth that happened to be next to a poster of the Chinese zodiac. To pass the time we looked up everyone’s signs and were amazed at their accuracy. My MIL was described as a chatterbox (true) who can be a loner, my BIL as pessimistic (true), my husband as romantic (true) with a mean streak when angered (so true), and I was labeled generous (I’ll leave that to others to decide) and gullible (hmmm).
It was all fun and games until we got to the compatibility part. I’m a pig or a boar (depends on your perspective I guess) and my husband is a serpent. Apparently, we are very ill-suited for each other. Under my description it said a union with a serpent would be disastrous and under his description it said a union with a pig would be earth shattering (not in a good way). Except for a chuckle or two no one at the table reacted to this devastating news. I wanted someone to say, “Oh, that’s ridiculous”, but I got nothing.
Now, I like to pretend that I’m civilized, but in reality I’m very superstitious. I won’t give knives, scissors, or any cutting implements as gifts because I believe ties will be severed. Moths are portentous of death. If I look at a clock and it reads 11:11, I make a wish because surely it will come true. You get the picture.
Another thing I’m guilty of is what my friend Momo refers to as “catastrophizing”. I kid you not that in the span of 30 seconds I had already imagined myself getting a divorce, raising my daughter alone, having to meet my husband’s new wife. All this and we hadn’t even ordered breakfast yet.
Why do I do this to myself?
Everyone else had moved on without giving it a second thought and my whole world was falling apart. Finally, I came to my senses and said, “Well, I guess it doesn’t apply to me because I’m not Chinese.”
Ugh, remind me never to read my Chinese horoscope again.
Remember: we have the power to manifest our superstitions…or anything else. It's how we use our energy to create. You taught me that. I try to live by that when I too feel moments of doubt or have irrationally-based fears.
By "how" I meant the choice is up to us(just in case you were confused).
I 'catastrophize' too. It's ok as long as we don't allow it to become a self-fulfilling prophecy, I suppose.
1. You two are two peas in a pod; cut from the same cloth; you go together like pb&j (the last one was Matt's contribution). Don't worry, the horoscope was a bit of entertainment.2. Note: for those of us that do "catastrophize," although we feel really crazy during the episode, there is one theory that I think kinda makes sense…we're ready. We almost cope before anything actually happens, so if the event does actually occur (though most, especially this one, don't happen) we actually are more apt to deal with it than those people that think life is always wonderful and perfect.3. I catastrophized about something crazy this morning that almost had me in tears. Turns out the feeling was gone by 10 am.4. I really need to get off this computer. I'm always here when you post!
I do it, too. For me it's okay because it reminds me to be grateful and present. It's not good though if it makes you neurotic and worried all the time.And I love 11:11! Is it silly to love a time? Everytime I see it, which is pretty often, I say to myself that things are going okay and that I'm on the right track. It's reassuring, like a hug from the world to me. I don't make a wish though, maybe I should??