We moved around a lot when I was a child, but no matter where we happened to be living my mother would make sure to find a “Candy Cane Lane” to take us to during the holidays and you have to keep in mind that this was pre-internet let-me-look-it-up-on-Google days.
Candy Cane Lane is what she called any street where the neighbors got together and decorated the heck out of their homes with lights and displays just to spread cheer to mostly strangers. These places have always brought me so much joy and now I get to take my daughters to experience the same kind of joy.
This year my husband drove us to the 1900 block of Eucalyptus Avenue in San Carlos, which is about 30 minutes away from San Francisco. The decorations are awesome and the atmosphere is friendly and festive.
It’s like the residents are giving you a gift by creating such spectacular displays and it’s not a cheap gift either. It has got to cost them a bundle to buy everything and to pay for all that extra electricity for a month. I hope they know how much it is appreciated by all the people and families like ours that come to visit.
Eucalyptus Avenue
San Carlos, CA
ALSO READ: Memes That Prove ‘Tis the Season for Tamales
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Wow, that first photo is amazing. I never heard the term Candy Cane Lane before, but I really like it.
That is such fun!
As children we would go for drives and count the number of houses with decorations!
Beautiful! I always enjoy visiting streets like that.
Beautiful Christmas lights