Dear Facebook,
You are irritating just about everyone on Facebook. What the heck?! You used to be fun, a great place to interact with friends and colleagues. Now you’re all business. I get that you have to make money, but son of a gun didn’t you ever hear that no one likes to pay for the cow when they are used to getting the milk for free?
I am not going to pay to promote my posts on my page, it’s not going to happen. AND now you are offering promoted posts for personal pages? You want me to advertise to my friends? That’s just weird.
I’m not “liking” your changes,
Just Another FB User Feeling Used
Since FB seems to be limiting the amount of people that will see my posts and I don’t want to pay to play, I’m going to go ahead and promote a couple of my favorite posts here…
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Like it or not, things are bound to change.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
Happy Friday! True FB is not as fun as before but I still can’t live without it!
Ugh! I hadn’t heard about that. I’m kind of a fb lurker these days, but still.
Also, what I’ve noticed in some of my groups (a private/secret group at that) they have a ‘seen by #’ feature. I don’t like it that people can tell if I have ‘seen’ a post. But I am having some fun with it because I posted something and it said 15 people saw it and there were only about 8 who liked it. I told those who didn’t ‘like’ but saw the post that I was so depressed I was going to hang myself and haunt them for the rest of their lives. ((I’m sure you know me well enough to know I found this hilarious))
I heard about the paying to promote. I think it is ridiculous also. I think it costs like $7 per post, effective yesterday. No way. If my friends want to see whats up with me, all they gotta do is navigate to my page. If they don’t, they don’t. And I agree, FB is not as much fun as it used to be. I haven’t posted a status, because I am paranoid, but then again, I shouldn’t be because FB does not have any of my money information anywhere on there.
I agree…Facebook changes have not been for the better!
I’m seriously trying to ditch FB lately…
Hey Mami! I’ve been attaching my posts (the ones I want my f/b friends to see) in my status. It’s not going out to the world, but my friends get to see it, and if they like it, they may pass it on through comments (sidebar). It doesn’t get the traffic that you are probably used to, but it has been free. (But I also don’t advertise anything on my blog, either!) Always a treat for me to see your logo!
you ain’t lying, girl. i am in agreement. i don’t want to promote my dumb fb posts; so lame and not fun. sucks…but kinda saw it coming.
Is THAT what it is?
I am so clueless…
I don’t know anything about that but it doesn’t sound good!
Try to have a nice weekend.
Heather ranted on Facebook today too…they must be getting annoying.
Sigh. I may have to revert back to talking to people face to face. I am not sure if I remember how to do that.
See, I’m not on Facebook but I could totally see it rolling that direction.
I don’t like Facebook at all… but it is a good way to keep in touch with distant friends and family… so I hang in there.
Your “broke” line reminded me of a song by The Tractors, ever heard of them? “I’m not broke, but brother I’m badly bent!”
And not to mention the case of the disappearing posts on Facebook! Email alert arrives, click to see post – to see it does not exist or has been removed! Lots of people complaining about this! 😀
Love your promos!
Oh yeah, there have been all kinds of odd shenanigans happening on FB.
yeah I gave up on my FB blog page long ago. I think any extra time a member would spend on FB because of a page would more than cover the cost of letting blogger use it free. webstronaut – good name.
Good morning, Mami.
Facebook? What’s that?
I have a mirror…..
I’m still doing the big pic thing… sorry!
Don’t be sorry.
I can’t stand the new FB promotion thing! UGH!
Wonder if FB thinks about the fact that I still have a MySpace account as well as a new G+ account. It’s not impossible that I start to use them again. To bad some enterprising person can’t get a good protest started. All we would have to do is have a large number of people use MySpace or G+ for a week or two for them to get the message.
You’re right.
Lol! I feel the same way. What a crock Facebook! Remember when Facebook was cool and MySpace was on the way out. Yeah. Funny how times change.
I do not Facebook but that sounds frustrating. I guess going public was not their best idea.
Delicious composition.
Blogged about this topic too… it’s just nuts… expecting that FB will be downgraded soon – too bad, the platform did make sense
The changes are just not for the better.
I could not agree more! Pay to ‘promote’ my personal posts?? I think NOT!
I totally agree – I can’t stand the constant changes. I often wonder if being on there is even worth it.
I totally agree! I read about this somewhere – that they’re going to accept payments in exchange for promoting posts – and I was like, “what the heck?!”
I saw something like this just now by another blogger. Do you mean just “business” pages or everyone? Either way, it sucks! I’m so confused. Help!