This post is rated “P” for Pregnancy. I will be discussing my pregnancy.
I am 34 weeks pregnant. I go to the hospital every single week because I have been labeled a “high risk” pregnancy. Although, I have much to be grateful for, that “high risk” label manages to suck much of the joy out of this experience.
34 weeks is a good place to be. I’m close and even if I were to deliver now, the baby would probably be fine. Like I said, a good place to be.
Going to the doctor stresses me out. All I can hear is “cautious optimism”. Blech! Even when the news is good, it is delivered in a way that makes it feel like something else to worry about.
Recently, my doctor started talking about wanting to schedule an induction. I do not want to be induced, unless it is absolutely necessary. I was induced with my first pregnancy and it sucked. I went in on a Saturday night to get induced and did not have the baby until Monday morning. That is a very long time to be in labor. It was hard on my body, hard on my emotional and mental state, hard on my husband.
Of course, I will do what is best for the health of my baby, but right now I am not convinced that an induction is necessary. When the doctor first brought up the subject of induction, he suggested it be done at 37 weeks. I said I would think about it. On my last visit he brought it up again and I said I wanted to wait and see if I would go into labor naturally. He said he would be comfortable waiting until 39 weeks.
I asked for the pros and cons and he said the pro of waiting until 39 weeks is that the baby’s lungs will be stronger, but after that he doesn’t think there is any benefit in continuing the pregnancy. My baby has some kind of issue with her right kidney that will need to be looked at after she is born, but the thing is that even if there is an issue that requires surgery, it’s not something that will be done right after birth so what is the point of inducing a week before I’m due?
Why am I sharing this with you? Because when I am at the doctor’s I feel like a deer in headlights. It is informational overload and I freeze. I can’t really absorb what is being said. I’m not a push-over and I can speak up, but in this case I feel myself freeze a bit. After I leave and try to explain to my husband why the doctor wants to induce, I can’t come up with a really good reason because I don’t think I’ve been given a really good reason.
I can totally understand not wanting to keep the baby in past my due date, but why can’t we just schedule the induction for when I’m due, not before?
This might all seem trivial and unimportant, but I would really like to give my body a chance to do what it is supposed to do. I would really like to have that experience. I didn’t get it during my first pregnancy and this is most likely the last pregnancy I am going to have.
So that’s what’s going on in my pregnant corner of the world. Wish me luck.
ALSO READ: My Birth Story
I wouldn’t want to be induced either. I would want the baby to get as much as she could while inside. If the baby was in distress or something, okay, thats different but I think your little sock monkey is just fine where she is. Go with your intitution! 🙂
You need to keep up your vigilance. They say cautious optimism because they don’t want you to sue them if anything goes wrong. Our litigious society is always finding new and exciting ways to make people miserable, and this is one of them. They induced me just like they did you and it took about 36 hours to get to 3cm. Very efficient. You know you best — keep being strong, Mami.
I wish you the best! I don’t know how you feel but I would tell the dr. what you are telling us, you have a right, it is your body.
This post shows just how pregnancy illiterate I am. I would have supposed that as full term as possible would be the ideal for your little one under the circumstances and am very surprised that they’re talking about inducing early. Whatever the case, I’m just glad they’re taking good care of your two and that all is going well.
Hm, interesting quandary you are in. I think I would probably do what you are doing, but I am a man, so what the crap do I know about it anyway?
I agree stay pregnant as long as you can! I’m praying and crossing my fingers for you and baby boo.
It is the hardest thing to make your own educated decision about your baby and your pregnancy when faced with the medical opinions of doctors. I wish you all the best friend. Maybe take someone with you? Sometimes it helps to have an objective person there. If that’s possible? Sending you hugs.
I totally understand you for not wanting the induction.. I was induce (which sucked too) it was painfull, I had to stay on my side the whole time and didn’t get much sleep.. But my body wasn’t taking very good the pregnancy.. my liver shut down, my blood pressure went to the roof and the baby was at risk, so I gave the go ahead. But I don’t understand why doctors looooveee to induce, and loveeee to play god.. I will say wait, your baby will know when it’s time to born and unless you or/and the baby are at risk I think It’s ok to be induced and be in a crontrol enviroment at the hospital.. Good Luck my friend!! Lots of blessings heading your way!! *hugs*
I have so been there. I was induced with my first two and with my third I decided to do acupuncture to induce. IT WORKS! I had my second (who was breech) turned with acupuncture and so thought it was worth a shot. If you can find a good Doc of Oriental Medicine it is cheap and easy and prevents you from having to go through induction. Labor with pitocin hurts so much more than natural labor. The acupuncturist will use moxibuction (think I spelled that wrong) which is basically burning some smelly stuff on your toe (no, it doesn’t hurt.) I swear doctors can suck the joy out of a pregnancy, can’t they?
I wish you more than luck. I wish you wisdom to make the best choice for your baby. I wish you a stress free delivery. I wish you a huge smile the first time you hold healthy baby. I wish you a lifetime to love your children.
It seems strange to me that he is so insistent on inducing a week early. I was induced, and like you ended up with a very long long long labor and was exhausted by the end of it. It seems to me that as long as everything is okay it would be best to go into labor naturally (*of course if you start going past the due date this all changes!) and hopefully have a shorter labor (which would be better for you and the baby, right? Maybe? I’m certainly not an expert)
Whatever you do…you will do great, I know that. Follow what feels best to you.
Seems like the best thing for the babe would be to leave her in the cooker for as long as possible?
so, with my second kid, they wanted to induce because I was a late..I said NO, we’ll wait”. At three days overdue, I had an appt and the dr., assuming I would be inducted the next day asked if I was excited. “No, i’m not being induced until i am a week overdue! and I want you to strip my membranes while I’m here.” She said, “but then i have to do an ultrasound to make sure your levels are okay and a stress test and check that the baby is healthy”. (annoyed, both of us at this point)….”then good thing we are in a dr. office where we have access to the equiptment..lets get to it!”
Dr. are lazy. Mothers are not. demand the treatment you want and until they tell you there is a real danger, just smile and tell them what YOU want!!!
good luck!!
Listen Babes, I’ve probably bored you to tears with this, but I’ve pretty much been there and done that when it comes to high risk pregnancy and induced delivery. Look on the bright side, all the good doctors will be there when it’s going on. Everyone will be ready. Just breathe deeply, go with the flow and trust your praying friends. I’ll be with you in spirit and please God you’ll come out of this smiling with you and your child none the worse for it. Don’t panic whatever you do. I had a hrid at 37. And another (against all medical advice – couldn’t help it!) at 40. And you should see the kids!
I totally disagree with your doctor.
As long as the placenta is healthy and doing ok, there is absolutely NO reason to be induced before 40wks.
Why don’t doctors answer the question “Why”? Do they just think we patients are too stupid to understand? I can imagine how frustrated you must feel.
You’d think with a high risk pregnancy they’d want you to go in labor on your own rather than inducing before lungs etc…are fully developed. I hear you frustration, and they need to hear it, maybe they will lay off a bit. Doctors are supposed to know all things (or so it seems), I think a mother’s intuition is stronger. Hanger in there. Hugs.
I wish you all the best.
Good luck, girl. I’ve got my fingers crossed that all goes well for you.
My doctor was on an emergency medical leave from the office right around my due date and my ‘last’ office visit was rescheduled and that one was missed due to a miss-communication (On my part). So, when I finally went into labor (I was a whole two weeks PAST my due date), I was bleeding horribly. (But did NOT need a blood transfusion) and was in labor for 24 hours. The doctors in triage was upset that I was allowed to go that far past my due date…….But you’ve read the stories and you’ve seen the photos………Isabella is amazing in every way and she came into this world the way she wanted to….really late. She’s done just about everything else early.
Do what your intuition tells you to do.
I wish you peace and clarity so that you will know what to do and when to do it. I believe that we know our bodies better than anyone else.
I think they must be doing that to try to control everything from their end. It makes sense, but yet it doesn’t.
I would recommend that if you’re having problems communicating with the doctors (because you just don’t know what to say at the moment), write down everything before hand and then take it with you to your appointment and even write down stuff while you’re there if you need to.
Ah, Mami. My heart goes out to you.
As one who had to be induced 3 out of my 4 times, (my babies didn’t seem to want to join the real world), I know that having things go the ‘normal’ way is what you really want. There is no wrong way though, I think. I’m not implying that this isn’t an important decision for you! I hope you know that.
I like your description of informational overload. When I come home from a dr’s app’t I can’t seem to remember anything said-the very things most important to remember. sheesh
Wishing you all the Best. 🙂
I was induced with my first and it went much more quickly than your experience. The pitocin was started at noon and I had him by 9 pm. I’m not encouraging you to get induced – just wanted to give you a more positive induction story.
Hang in there, Mami. Hopefully the dr. will hold off till you go into labor.
I wish you luck…listen to your heart and if you think of questions or have a thought that you would like to share with the doctor, write them down so you don’t forget when you are there and having a deer in the headlights moment…you will make the best decision…what you are saying makes perfect sense…blessings to you and the little one…I hope for a timely delivery, a healthy baby girl and that you feel good. XX
I agree with those who suggest that you write your thoughts down before you go to the dr. the next time…it will help make them clear to you and be able to communicate them better. That being said, if you go with the induction. I too know some very positive induction stories….everything went quick and well.
Keep on asking your question of “why?” as often as you need to and unless and until you hear the answer that makes sense to you and your husband.
I can’t say anything new that hasn’t already been said in from other commentors. Your in my prayers that you and the doctors will be graced with best decisions for you and your baby.
Oh honey, I have no idea about baby stuff and child birth but I have spent more than my share of time with doctors feeling overwhelmed. My best advice is to listen to your body, first and foremost, and second– Take paper and pen to the doc and take notes…. and/or bring someone with you to help listen. It’s so much info to process that it’s hard to take it all in yourself.
Hang in there… 34 weeks and counting! xo jj
having not ever been pregnant, I have no advice to give you in that regard other to do what I do when I don’t know what to do or say and that is to pray, so that is what I will continue to do. God knows exactly when that baby is going to be born, so we will continue to trust in him and pray that he will give you the wisdom to make the best decision for you and your precious little one.
Well here I go leaving the blog world for a few months and come back to find that you are up the duff! (that is pregnant in British speak!) Congratulations. I had my girl at 31 weeks and was labeled high risk from the moment of conception. Trust me when I say that I know where you are coming from.
I don’t see why you should be induced at all.
Inductions in my opinion are for pregnancies tthat are problematic, the baby is distressed, is in a difficult position or you are very overdue.
Stick to your guns girl…. if you were not convinced by your doctor you should just wait. Induced labours are harder (so I’m told) so having a ‘natural’ labour is the best way to go if possible.
My mind goes blank whenever I’m at the doctor so may I make a suggestion – something that has been helpful for me in situations like this? What you’ve written above is a good exercise, clarifying your thoughts and how you feel. For next week’s appointment take a few prompt notes to remind you of the above and go through them with your doctor. (I felt embarrassed the first time I took notes to my GP but she said that it was a great idea and wished more would do the same because we all tend to freeze when we’re worried about something). I’d also go with your husband if poss. so that both of you can discuss concerns and both of you hear the doctor’s responses.
Hugs! I would totally try to take someone with you for your next few appointments – I know it helped to have a neutral friend or my hubby there when the doc was making her pronouncements with my pregnancy, especially in the last few weeks!
I wish you all the luck in the world. And I hope the doctor will see sense about your wishes! You are right to want to wait and give chance to the baby to be ready natyrally to come out.
I would go with my intuition, the help a lot :)!
I’ve done a lot of reading on the subject, but have not been pregnant myself, but from what I’ve read and heard it is best to let babies grow and get chubby in the womb as long as possible. The child does so much better when they are allowed to fully come to term. There are always reasons to have an early birth, but if you and the baby are not in distress, then I say let the baby come to term.
Being a bit of an idiot I’m a little confused by what’s going on here… but I wish you the best and I’m wafting healthy-as-possible-delivery-feelings in your direction.
Ugh, being induced and having to just be in labor for who knows how long does NOT sound like a good way to welcome your baby in the world. They tried to induce me and after 24 hours, nothing happened and they sent me home with no fresh-from-the-uterus baby.
(they tried to induce because I was 18 and my husband was in the navy and shipping out the next week and they were worried I was under undue stress about being alone for the birth and first week).
I agree with you about being overwhelmed at the dr’s office. When I had to have surgery a few yrs ago, I just sat there and let the doc talk and then went home and googled all night. I feel like they should slip us a note before they go over everything, let us read the highlights of his talk and then when he comes in, we’ll have had a minute to process it all!
My son arrived 2 wks after we tried to induce. He’s still stubborn-this was all a big sign and we should have known.
That was my question immediately. Why induce?
First of all BEST OF LUCK! Second… I was induced for the first time with my second child and like yours, it sucked. ROYALLY. I was apprehensive when they wanted to induce me with the next kid, but I did it and MAN OH MAN it was THEEEEE best! Popped that little sucker out in less than 3 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I was only dilated at like 1 or 2 when they started, I wasn’t in labor when they started! Oh, it was HEAVEN.
I don’t blame you. You should feel like you are in control of your own body and this doctor doesn’t seem to be listening to your feelings. I wish you the best of luck!
I wish you all the best. Perhaps everything will become clearer in the next few weeks. I do know that this is your body and only you know how you are feeling.
Good luck! You do make some good points. At first I was like, “Is she kidding? When I was 34 weeks pregnant, I was ready to claw the baby out with my bare hands.” But after reading the post, I do understand, and I wish you only good things and smooth sailing…or smooth baby-growing-in-your-uterus from here on out.
If you are feeling good and there is no threat to the baby, why not wait to see if you go in labor on your own. Look into natural forms of indcution, i.e. massage, acupuncture, etc. My first son was 16 days post term. My body finally went into labor on its own but I ended up with a c-section. I was very happy with my doctor because he knew I didn’t want to induce, but he was still monitoring my baby. In hindsight, I am glad I waited but I wouldn’t want to go post-term again. And of course, the pregnancy was a wonderful experience but the truly happiest experience was meeting my son when he was finally born. Good luck.
I so understand. And I realize that doctors have to do these interventions because we, as consumers, have forced them into a corner. But I so wish they could let a pregnant woman’s body do what it was perfectly designed to do!
I always thought pregnancy was so scary and stressful…I can’t imagine what you’ve been through.
It’s not trivial. And it is most certainly not unimportant. There are MANY statistics proving that a woman’s chance of a c/s dramatically increases when induced. Why would a woman do that to herself and her baby?? A mama’s intuition is no joke, and I’m totally in your corner. There is a due date for a reason, in my opinion, and so long as there is no medical necessity to evict her before that, then I would want to wait too.
I was induced with my first, and I was miserable, and it was just not my dream birth. With my second, I went into labor on my own. It was an AMAZING experience the second time around. Stick to your guns.
You’re doing an amazing job.
Congrats for 34 weeks! I had to do stress tests with Tafari too… it was draining, but the good thing is I was frequently updated on his health. Keep us informed we love ya unknown Mami. and if you need some help with Sundays in My City I don’t mind doing it for you while your recovering. One Love and kisses to your belly 🙂
If you haven’t heard something convincing enough to make you be able to relate to it, then by I say hold your ground sista! You should feel comfortable & educated about what is going on with you and the wee one!!! 🙂 Not that I really know anything about inductions… I had to be induced with my first, but then ended up with emergency c-section & then c-sections after that for my other 2. LOL
Oh girl, I am so with you!!! I was induced with my first and yes, it sucked BIG time! I’m so hoping this one comes on her own but if not, I’ll definitely have more to say about it this time. Hopefully they’ll let you wait until she’s due at least but I’ll really be hoping she gets bored and decide to come on her own! Good luck!
I agree with you, why can’t your baby come when she is ready. I was induced with my first baby and ended up having a c-section so my second child was a cs too. I would have loved to have know what it is like to go into labor and in my case actually deliver a baby vaginally. I am praying for you and wishing you luck!
I agree with you, why can’t your baby come when she is ready. I was induced with my first baby and ended up having a c-section so my second child was a cs too. I would have loved to have know what it is like to go into labor and in my case actually deliver a baby vaginally. I am praying for you and wishing you luck!
True story: my doctor asked to plan an induction for the Monday prior because the due date was on Thanksgiving day.
It’s not at all trivial. It’s your body and your baby. Is there any way you can go get a second opinion, or is your case too specialized? Or even just a consult with another OB. It might give you a better idea of your options, and a solid 30 minutes to just talk with someone who doesn’t have a dog in the fight and ask questions might be good.
I just read this great blogpost on the subject of induction. It might help you!
Thanks for the link. I’ll check it out.