Hola Chulas y Chulos! How you doin’? My chancla and I are doin’ well. We’ve got some interesting things to share with you our favorite hijos de la chanclada in this week’s The Flying Chancla Report…
- Did you get a chance to watch “Premio Lo Nuestro” on Thursday? Well, my chancla and I caught some of it and we loved Prince Royce’s performance of “Culpa Al Corazón.” The dancing toward the end is swoon-worthy. Well done!
ALSO READ: 17 #BeforeFacebookI Tweets That Perfectly Describe Life Before Facebook - WARNING: Cursing ahead. If you don’t like the sound of “dipshit” or “dipshittery,” you should NOT watch the following video, but if you like to laugh and can handle a naughty word here and there because you are an adult, then I HIGHLY recommend you watch. Especially, if you have no idea what esca-stopping is and whether you are guilty of it or not. I esca-stopped once in front of my husband and he gave me so much crap about it. In my defense, I had to do it because this group of people were walking right across the path of the escalator, but somehow I still came off looking as the dipshit to the line of people on the escalator.
- Have you heard of Rent-A-Minority? It’s a website that promises to provide you with diversity-on-demand. Here’s the description from the site…
Rent-A-Minority is a revolutionary new service designed for those oh-shit moments where you’ve realized your award show, corporate brochure, conference panel is entirely composed of white men. For, like, the fifth year in a row. Suddenly you’re being called out on Twitter and you need to look not-racist and not-misogynist fast. Actually doing something meaningful to disrupt institutional inequality would be way too much work; so why not just Rent-A-Minority instead?
Now, before you freak out…IT’S A JOKE! Under the FAQs section you can find this explanation…
The site is a #satire on a type of tokenism that is particularly rife in the tech and media world. Rather than address institutional inequality in any meaningful way, diversity is something that is generally just for (temporary) show. Companies tend to be very careful to ensure that their websites contain an acceptable ratio of women and non-white people; on their leadership boards, however, it’s another matter.
I’m sharing because my chancla and I love it when humor is used to bring attention to real issues. Porque sometimes if I can’t laugh about Imma start to cry.
ALSO READ: Latino Parents Trying to Guess Hashtags Will Make You Laugh Your Pompis Off - Speaking of crying, you know those kind of commercials that make you cry? Yeah, this one that asks parents and then their kids who they would most like to have dinner with gets you right in the FEELS. If you have feels that is; if you don’t, I can’t help you. I watched it and then thought about how much my kids love having dinner together as a family…and I’m crying.
- Jennifer Lopez stopped by “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” and she and Fallon did an “Ew!” skit that makes my chancla and I wish that JLo would do more of this kind of comedic acting. She’s funny! Watch…
ALSO READ: Zoe Saldana’s Rump Shaker, Jennifer Lopez All Natural and Then Some
That’s it for this week’s The Flying Chancla Report. I love you mucho and remember, spread love, not chanclazos!
OH EM GEE! Prince Royce and that dancing but then again, everything that he does or sings just melts me. As for JLo -I agree. She should do more comedy. She’s hella funny!
I would love it if JLo did a TV variety show. Then should could sing, dance and do some sketch comedy.