For many many months I was taking a pill to help with panic attacks and anxiety. It helped, but of course no one wants to be medicated if they don’t have to be, so I weened myself and I was doing remarkably well until I found out about my eyes. Last night while I was alone, putting my daughter to bed, and having a full blown panic attack, it occurred to me that I am not ready to go it alone yet. Oh well, I tried.
This will be a regular feature on my blog and I will add a linky and button for those of you who choose to share your commentary genius with the world. Originally, I was thinking this would be a monthly feature, but now that I’ve started saving my comments it’s going to be weekly or else the posts would be too long. So I’m officially starting this Monday. Play along if you like, I always like company and I think it’s a way of encouraging comment love and creativity because you know I’m not going to want to do an entire post of “Hi, stop by my blog when you get a chance” or “Wow” or “LOL”.

That’s all I got! Have a great weekend! Practice a random act of kindness.
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