I read a post at It’s Serious This Time that got me thinking about how hard it is to make new friends. I have great friends and I don’t feel deficient in that area, but I can not remember the last time I made a new friend. So with that in mind I was at the playground today chatting with a woman that has a daughter around the same age as Put Pie. The daughter and mother were charming. I’ve been “cruised” by mother’s before, but most of the time I don’t feel like it’s something I want to pursue. This time when we were saying our goodbyes and the woman mentioned that we would probably run into each other again, I stepped out of my comfort zone and mentioned that maybe we could plan an activity for the girls. She offered me her phone number.
This might not seem like a big deal to you, but for me it’s huge. I am very shy. Most people don’t know this about me because I don’t come off as shy. I am an actor and I’m used to being in front of people. I can cover my extreme discomfort, but it’s still there. Anyway, I’m proud of myself for making the effort and tomorrow I will follow up with a text. Wish me luck!
We get care packages from my MIL almost every week. It is very sweet, but a lot of the times we do not need the things that she sends. We end up giving them away or donating them to Goodwill.
I started this blog in April of last year. I was in desperate need of a creative outlet. I had never written anything for public consumption and I was scared, but I figured no one would read it anyway. Well, I was wrong. I was so wrong. I am honored to have some fantastic followers. I wish I could let my followers know how much they mean to me.
Hmmm…I have an idea!
On occasion, I am going to offer my followers some of the things that my MIL sends us that we just don’t need. I’ll put a picture up and if you want it just let me know in the comments section and I’ll mail it to you. If more than one follower wants it, I’ll pull a name out of a hat and send it to the “winner”. I would call it a MILF Giveaway! You know, “Mother in Law Freebies Giveaway”. But I wouldn’t want anyone to think it was a MILF “mother I’d like to f@#K” Giveaway, so I better call it something else. I got it!

Isn’t it beautiful? It was made and given to me by Julia from Brainella the Librarain. I love it! Thank you so much Julia. Your generosity really touched me.
And that’s all she wrote!
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