You are hereby cordially invited to:
A Surprise Pity Party for Unknown Mami!
Right about now.
Right here.
Dress (or don’t):
Come as you are.
Don’t bother, you are already here.
Surprise!!! Yup, the surprise is on you. Here you thought you were coming to read just another ordinary post and instead you get to join me in an impromptu pity party that I am throwing for myself. Aren’t you the lucky one?
What’s the special occasion? Please, like I need one. Fine, I’ll give you a few: I’m hormonal, it’s raining, I’m broke, I feel under-appreciated, I’m broke, I want to spend the whole day in bed, no one wants to cater to my every need.
Now that you are here, let’s get on with it. I have prepared just one game (give me a break it is an impromptu pity party; it’s not like I was planning on feeling sorry for myself).
Step right up, step right up!!! Grab a spray bottle and prepare to play: Spray the tear drops on Unknown Mami:
Don’t be shy! Look, I even wore my party sombrero. The bad news is that there are no winners in this game, the good news is that there are no losers. If you feel like having a good cry yourself, just spray the water on your own face and it will camouflage your tears.
I guess I should try to make some party conversation. Hmmm, let’s see… I’ve been enjoying watching the Giants and Phillies play against each other. I can’t watch the games without thinking of Matty. Matty is a Phillies fan. I was so hoping the Giants would win last night so that I could brag that they are going to the world series, but nope the Phillies won. Giants are still leading, but now they don’t get to play at home. Makes it a little more stressful exciting, I guess.
Saw this during a break in baseball and thought it was brilliant. I don’t even watch Glee and I still think it’s comedy gold.
Oh, you guys, this pity party is exhausting. I’m outta here. Thanks for coming!
so sorry that you need a pity party… hopefully the weather and your spirits pick up soon!
hey, mami, everybody needs to wallow in it at some point. it’s the only way to finally get how good life really is. not 2 hours ago, i was so stressed that the center of my back felt as if a bony knuckle was stuck in it and deep! but, you know what? my husband looked at me and said, “why didn’t you let me drive?” and then i punched him in the arm and felt so much better! ok, not really, i mean i didn’t punch him, but i bet you’re laughing now! loved the video and remember, sometimes ya jes gotta go through it to get through it. xoxoxoxoxo ;~D
Pity to your hearts content dear. We all need it now and then. I am an expert at getting engrossed in a good book and then I don’t care about anything. I get almost all my books for free (Kindle/Amazon) so I don’t even have the guilt of spending money I don’t have.
It does my heart good to know that people think of me when they see baseball. And don’t for one second know that I’m well aware that I’m never going to hear the end of it if the Phils lose. My in-box will be flooded. Last night I almost had heart failure.
How’s this for compensation. If the Phillies come back and make the world series, I’ll send you a pick-me-up to help ease your pain.
Sending you hugs…it will get better! I throw pity parties on a regular basis…I think they are completely necessary!
(Halloween giveaway on my blog..wanna come see?)
That was the swellest pity party I’ve ever been to. Can I take a piece of cake home with me to cry over? Seriously though, I hope you are feeling better. You made me smile, ’cause there are days I feel like this too – you are just a much better sport about the pity party than I am. – G
If I was a lesbian, and if she would do it, I’d marry her. I would. I love her. No more pity party for you. 🙂 You are too awesome to need one. Don’t forget it.
I am a Giants fan too. Have been since the 60’s (yes, I’m that old). Just left a comment for Matty. Not a neener one, that would be obnoxious. More a ain’t it grand kinda thing….great series regardless of outcome. I sure want the Giants in the Championship though.
As for your game….I won’t play.
Funny video. 🙂
Sorry you’re in a blue mood. Fill that spray bottle with spiced rum. You’ll cheer up in no time.
It’s your party and you can cry if you want to. Tears are cleansing. I hope you feel better. Hugs.
Great party!! No seriously. It was a great party. I joined you more than you realised as I had my own pity party. Hope your Saturday is a good one 🙂
I really like your sombrero.
Thought I would say hey,.. I have a new blog~sassy
Sue Rules. I am a fan of Glee, but never have seen that. Great stuff.
I loved the way you introduced this post too. Very creative.
Thank you for the compliment on being creative.The Universe’s gift to me is creativity. My gift back to the Universe is to use that creativity.
Boy, do I sound full of myself.
Even a pity party with you is sorta fun and you look so great in the sombrero you should feel at least a little better. Being hormonal makes all the rest seem even worse. I hope you are back to feeling your awesomeness soon.
You are funny, and the pity party was the best one I’ve been to in awhile… and believe me, I throw a mean pity party myself!
Love the little sombrero and the spray bottle. No need to feel pity for yourself, you can make cute digital sombreros, I can’t figure out how to work my freaking feed burner!
great party sorry about dropping that picanti sauce on your chair.
Well gotta go now and here’s to hoping your tears are always from joy and laughing your ass off.
Sending you a hug as my not quite good enough present for your party. We all need one of these every once in awhile. Here’s hoping you feel a little better soon. Good luck with the hormones!
Just want I needed, I just told hubby that I was so angry at life right now. He needs a second job and can’t find one, I wasn’t invited out tonight with co-workers (probably cause I always say no) I have to work at my second job tomorrow. I want a kid but am afraid to try, and we have mice in our house! A.W.E.S.O.M.E,!! oh and half my class got picked up for a special program at the public school goodbye 37 hours a week hello 30
Oh no! They say misery loves company so welcome to the party.
BTW, I can’t stand mice. They drive me crazy. We’ve had off and on issues with them throughout the years. Perhaps if you could get them to pay rent then your husband wouldn’t have to get a second job.
Good Idea!
You won a $25 gift card for OshKosh on my blog today. Does that help?
My mom always said I should bring the hostess to a party something…
Now I need your address 🙂
That totally helps!!! Thank you.
Hi Mami, I’m back from vacation and just caught up on your posts. So glad to hear things are improving with your pregnancy but sorry you’re feeling blue. I wish I had a funny joke to cheer you up– or that it was that easy.
I think of Matty every time I see the Phillies too.
I’m cheering you on as always and now I’m loving your hat too. Hang in there.
xo jj
Whew! That was quite the party! The hangover is gonna reek havoc on me tomorrow.
In all seriousness, keep your chin up Mami. This too shall pass. ((hugs))
We all need a good pity party now and then! Thanks for inviting me…
you can’t have a pity party and make me laugh!! I so adore you unknown Mami! Ugh I’m broke! At least you have the big ole burritos on Mission & 24 that will last for three meals.. and the cheap falafel place on 16th near Valencia (is it still there?)… lots of hugs and enjoy bed while ya can! ((((hugs))))
Yes, it’s still there. I love that falafel place.
Thanks for inviting us to your pity party.I sprayed your face and mine, and I am broke too,
oh I need another bottle of spray, now that feels better, nothing like a good cry to turn your outlook around, cheer up my friend, hugs.
sorry I’m late…believe you me, I can cry with the best of them;)
hope you are feeling better today my friend
Sorry to hear that you’re in a blue mood. Some music…it might help. Loved this post, so clever!!
I also loved your reply to Cheese boy.
You’re such an awesome, lady, Mami.
B xx
I have been in my own pity party. I send you a big hug and a nice cup of tea. 🙂 funny video, she is the best part of Glee
I love a good pity party!!!
Sorry 🙁 We all have those days. The sun will come out tomorrow 🙂
enjoy your weekend!
You always throw the best parties!
I was thinking we could hve that party at my house what are your fav treats and I’ll double it! Remember you move the sun with your smile~!
Love the little video at the end too… haha, I don’t have pets to poop on my yard, wait I don’t have a yard, and I certainly don’t feel guilty for how delicious they taste!
hugs to you, I hope you are feeling better today; I think we all have our days when we feel so overwhelmed with life. I know you don’t have money, but you have a gorgeous little girl! you have love of your husband and a home to live in! I’m sure food on the table! a warm place to call home. Remember the good things you have 🙂
I hate cleaning house; I live in a small house that takes just over an hour to clean. Last week after I finished cleaning it, I said “thank you God that I have a house to live in”. Made me feel grateful that I wasn’t out on the streets.
pity parties are okay….for just a bit….then be thankful….I think so much better of an emotion inded 🙂
may it be a wonderful Sunday for you and yours 🙂
OOOh…what perfect timing! Pulling up a chair now 🙂 Love good company!
How wonderful that the Giants are now World Series bound! Too bad they couldn’t have won night before last but, at least, now they are a done deal. Hopefully, it be a good series.
We all need a good pity party in our honor every once in awhile…except for the fact that I seem to want to slip into that mode more frequently. 🙂 My pity parties for one aren’t this much fun. Thanks for the invitation…I will be sure to invite guests to mine next time. 🙂
Hey, I’m holding my own party today. It’s the “I dare you to look at me cross-eyed b/c I will take you down, beeyotch” party. Boy, I at some crabby flakes for breakfast or something, but I’ve a crab all day. So I’ll spray some tears on you, if you’ll deck a few people for me.
I forgot to leave my URL… … just another thing to p!$$ me off…
I will gladly deck a few people for you. Consider it done.
I’d join you for a party any time, even if it is a pity one. Wish I lived closer, I’d bring you over some goodness of the dessert kind. Cheer up friend! 🙂
Sorry I missed the pity party. Next time e-mail me and I’ll be sure to be here. Hope everything’s picking up for you.
A pity party isn’t complete without throwing in “Muriel’s Wedding” into the DVD player. Always makes me smile. You’re terrible, Muriel 🙂 Have you seen it?
Hi Unknown Mami!
I just read this post. I do hope that things will be okay. There are moments when I feel down myself especially when the things I deal with are quite difficult but we just try and go on. Keep your head up, you’ll be okay 🙂
Have a good week!
Even when you’re pitiful, you make me smile. Now, snap out of it! You may cyber-slap me now.