It’s been raining a lot here. Thankfully, the only flooding we are experiencing is in our car. Every time we get into it after a heavy rain, the roof has leaked and there is a huge puddle of water on the passenger side foot area. The other day it started happening on the driver’s side too and there was water leaking from the light on the roof.
We know we have to do something about it, but we are so broke that we keep trying to figure out how to fix it ourselves. When I saw that the light was leaking, I told my husband we couldn’t wait anymore and would have to take it in somewhere to get looked at because the car is going to get moldy and I don’t want anything electrical to have problems.
My husband took it to Don’s Autobody to get it looked at and they spent a good chunk of time cleaning out the sunroof gutters, which appeared to be clogged and perhaps causing the leaks. According to my husband they were super cool. When they were done he was worried about how much they would charge and thought we would have to put it on our credit card.
Guess how much they charged him? Nothing!!! …$0.00… Can you believe that? We’re not sure that the problem has been solved because we’re waiting for another big downpour before we can test it out, but still I am so grateful for their kindness. Seriously, I always dread taking my car in for any service because sometimes you feel like such a sucker, but every interaction I’ve had with this place (they fixed my bumper and muffler before) has been great. They are helpful and I never feel like they are just trying to make money off of me.
Anyway, I thought the least I could do was give them a shout out. Thank you, Don’s Autobody on Bush Street! You made our day.
I am roughly 31 weeks pregnant. For Christmas this pregnancy decided to give me hemorrhoids. They came without a gift receipt, so it seems I can’t return them or exchange them for something else.
I’m hormonal and at times I find myself crying over petty things. This week I was crying because I felt so misunderstood by my mother. I took a tiny little thing and blew it up to mean that she never listens and she has no idea who I am and …blah, blah, blah. I can’t even admit the circumstances to you because they are embarrassing and I was obviously over-reacting.
Fortunately, I had a good cry and kept my mouth shut. The next morning I called her and she was at the post office mailing me a care package. When I got off the phone, I admitted to my husband and myself that sometimes I can be a real self-involoved jerk-face! My mother loves me in her own way and one of these days I’m just going to have to accept her as she is instead of trying to mold her into what I think she should be.
I am happy for the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell”. It’s about time. Instead of pontificating, I will just say that I love and support my gay brothers and sisters in and out of the military.
I am so excited about spending Noche Buena (Christmas Eve) at home with loved ones. I feel all warm and fuzzy just thinking about it.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie (don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Joy to the world! Bah humbug to greed.
Don’s Auto Body ROCKS!!! You don’t find service like that very often. high Five to them and yeah for you. I hope the leak is fixed for good.
Hemorrhoids!?! I yiyi, that is not fun… and another reason I don’t have kids 🙂 YOu’re a trooper Mami, I hope they’re gone VERY soon.
Thanks for a fabulous year of blogging and sharing and spreading the love. You know Sundays In My City is my favorite blogging day of the week and I thank you for your continued dedication to the feature.
Wishing you and your beautiful family a very merry Christmas. Just think,next year you’ll have another stocking to hang up! xoxoxoxoxoxo jj
Hope the horomones ease up so you can enjoy your Christmas! Have a good one! Hugs!
Yay for Don’s Auto Body! Hemorrhoids… ugh, hope you can get comfortable.
We worked late tonight in my claims division to help handle California storm claims. Stay safe, be careful, and- this is my insurance nerd talking- take overview shots of each room where you live and e-mail them to yourself just in case.
MERRY CHRISTMAS CHICK… you are at a similar stage in your pregnancy to our eldest daughter… she is due 3rd week in February.
Thank goodness for good, honest and kind car repair people!
What a great story about the auto repair place! So often we hear the bad and it’s wonderful to hear the good, too.
I didn’t know Christmas Eve was called Noche Buena, that sounds so nice.
Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, and much much love!! xoxo
Happy Christmas! So glad that the autobody guys were fab! I got a new tire for Christmas – our credit card did take the hit for that, but it’s worth it to know I’m driving safe with the kids in the car…
So sorry about the h-roids – had them with my first pregnancy and they weren’t fun… hope you get some relief!
Yay for free car service! If I lived in CA, I would check them out. Sure hope the leak is all fixed.
And glad to hear you aren’t having any flooding. Scary stuff.
Hope you are feeling better and have a wonderful Christmas!
Don’s Autobody’s act of kindness is refreshing to hear when so many businesses are out to get as much money as possible. Mine will tell me I need windshield wipers when I know they are perfectly fine. May your leak be fixed and the rain stop soon!
I hope that what they did on your car works. That was so nice of them. I can hardly believe that you are 31 weeks already. Sorry about the Christmas gift 🙁 We can’t change the people we love, my mom has been gone for 28 years. I pray that you can accept her for who she is even though I know it must be very difficult. ((HUGS))
Have a beautiful Noche Buena!
what a blessing from the auto body shop!!! we had a toyota that leaked like crazy and shorted out stuff. good and quick move on your part 😉
what a lovely pregnancy gift 🙁 will they clear off after the baby is delivered?
i am very thankfull you wrote that loving who we can’t change. my mother and i differ quite a bit and we have a hard time communicating things. i am completely like you during pregnancy. i don’t think people can say “boo” to me without getting an earfull. ah well, 9 more weeks and you get to snuggle that little bundle!!! woohoo!!!
I love when there are decent hard working people out there that don’t screw you. I hope the problem is solved. My hubby broke something in my car and it was snowing inside the car as I drove yesterday…..all I could think was thank god it’s not raining! (and a few choice swear words too!) A very Merry Christmas to you and your family.
What a great mechanic! My car suddenly sounds like a truck and that sounds really expensive so I have been putting it off…
I’m not even pregnant and I am crying over everything..someone told me it is because my book is finished and it feels like I just gave birth..hmmm..not sure but emotionally maybe close.
I wish you the merriest of Holidays and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year!
Very nice to hear of a place of business that spends time on finding the cause of the problem and does not charge. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
I like to pick up what I can of different languages (without actually taking a class = time + money) So I read “Noche Buena” which with my very limited translation ability sounds like it would be Beautiful/Good Night.
Here’s a small clip I put together for Christmas
Did you use an altoids tin?
Merry Christmas to you and your family and lots of prayers for baby mami.
Have a very merry Christmas, friend!!!
Bah humbug to greed in bed? I don’t know… sometimes greed in bed is the way to go.
As for the h-roids… I’d suggest regifting back to the pregnancy if I could figure out a way to make that work.
Merry Christmas, Mami! You’re in the homestretch now. You’re little one will be here before we know it.
Hope you are enjoying the time spent with your family and that 2011 is full of wonderful things for all of you.
Wow. That’s very very nice of Don’t Auto Body! Don’t feel guilty about your interactions with your mom. (Well, I do feel guilty about how I treat my mom too but I have to tell you this…) Think about it: Will you hold a grudge against your children? Never, right? 🙂 But of course, their being so nice only makes you feel guiltier… LOL.
Merry Christmas my dear!
Merry Christmas to a long-time (not”old”) friend! Email or FB me when you get a chance. I have a surprise for you!
Glad to hear things are progressing well enough with the pregnancy that all you feel compelled to mention about it is your hemorrhoids. See?! That’s a good thing!haha Fiber One Cereal was my best friend when I was pregnant 🙂
There goes your good karma, working in your favor again! Good for you on the car issue. That can’t be underestimated. As for your hormones, I wish you luck—So glad you didn’t unload on your mom!!
Feliz Navidad, my friend 🙂
that was great news about the car; I hope the “fix” worked (and that we don’t get as much rain as we got recently). That autobody store sounds like a great one!
I hope you and yours had a very nice Christmas!
praying for you/baby, I am going on a blog break with our move next move, but you will still be in my prayers
I hope the new year is a very good one for you!
Sounds like my car shop in San Ramon, a bunch of Dads who bitch at me if I go too long before services. And they think it’s amusing when my kids tear up their waiting room.
I used to own a Honda Prelude that had a leaky sunroof. When I accelerated cold rain water would pour down my back, gasp!
When you speak of strife, especially since you are with child and when you talk of your mom, I want to spoon you. Not in a sexual way. I just want to smooth your hair, and hold you and cover you with blankies. And then when you are asleep I will sit in your doorway with my laptop until somebody comes near and then I will kick them.
Wish you lived closer.
Isn’t it just wonderful when someone is so helpful, puts in the effort and then tells you that there is no charge? It doesn’t happen often but when it does it certainly spreads the good karma. Hooray for Don’s AutoBody …if I lived anywhere vaguely near I’d give them a visit next time I needed their services.
Hope you had a great Christmas day. 🙂
Isn’t it just wonderful when someone is so helpful, puts in the effort and then tells you that there is no charge? It doesn’t happen often but when it does it certainly spreads the good karma. Hooray for Don’s AutoBody …if I lived anywhere vaguely near I’d give them a visit next time I needed their services.
Hope you had a great Christmas day. 🙂
Merry Christmas, Mami! I’ve only got about 5 weeks to go….
Feliz Navidad!! I hope you had an awesome Noche Buena. Love you!
there are some really good folks out there in the world!! Glad you were able to get some help and hopefully it is fixed for good. I recently took my car to a hole in the wall place – the kind where the sitting area is an old bench seat from a pickup. The owner was so nice – and he fixed me up for $42 versus the over $450 the dealer wanted!! I am never again buying an extended warranty as I prefer to avoid the dealers as much as possible!!!
Yeah for kindness!
I felt the same way about my mom. Then my children grew up and suddenly I understood my mother so much better. Strange how that works.