My mother is here helping out and I am grateful. Really I am. I have been able to shower and go to the bathroom and pump to increase my milk production. I don’t want her to leave and yet…she drives me crazy. Even though I go to bed knowing I’m lucky to have her here, I spend the day trying to bite my tongue and rolling my eyes like a petulant teenager. Just think, someday my daughters will feel the same way about me.
One of the things that drives me crazy about my mother is that she has creative hearing skills. For example, she was watching the news and they were talking about a teachers’ strike. My mother wondered, “How ken t-chirts go on strike?” She was able to figure out on her own that it was teachers and not t-shirts that were being discussed.
I am stocking up on a bunch of my mom stories to tell you. Stay tuned for future posts. One of them involves the time she met Jerry Seinfeld- NOT!
So I’m breastfeeding and it does not come easily for me, with Put Pie I always had to supplement. My milk production never increased to the level that Put Pie required. Trust me, I’ve been told that all women can produce enough milk and I worked with a lactation consultant for months, but my milk production for whatever reason did not ever increase enough to stop supplementing. It left me feeling frustrated and insecure, but it didn’t stop me from breastfeeding until she was 2.
This time around my milk came in earlier and I am making more than last time, but still I am having to supplement at the moment because my new little girl lost more than 10% of her birth weight. I still feel insecure, but I am trying to be positive. I know so much of it has to do with my mental state.
Like many, we have been going through financially trying times. One of the things we thought we could do was sell one of our cars. I was not looking forward to trying to sell it. I didn’t want to deal with the whole process. I told Unknown Papi that he would have to be in charge of doing all the work. We kept putting it off because the car needs new brakes, the registration tags from the DMV never came, blah, blah, blah, and then last week we decided to just sell it back to the dealership. Sure we got less money than if we would have sold it privately, but the whole process took less than an hour and was so easy. Sometimes convenience is so worth it, especially when you are sleep deprived and only have 2 hour windows between newborn feedings.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie (don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Wait, you had your baby?! How did I miss this? Gahhhh! Congrats, yay, you! So much more to say, but YAYYYYY!
I’m working on my Friday post right now!
And, I love stories about your mom. I remember when you two were shopping and the girl in the wheelchair was being blamed for chitting her pants or something and the smell….I read that story like fourteen times and thinking about it right now makes me want to go back so I can get that big laugh again….it should seriously be on your sidebar at the top.
Oh, Mami, it sounds like you are doing as well as any new Mami with a 2 year old and a mom thrown in the mix could be doing. Please don’t forget to take good care of yourself!
Can’t wait to hear the mom stories.
Oh, hugs to you. We sold one of our cars, too, for financial reasons, and it’s been an adjustment, having only one car. Not so much for me, but for my husband. I seldom go anywhere, but if I do, he tends to feel claustraphobic about not being able to get out.
when I was nursing, I was told that beer was good for milk production. I don’t know if it’s true; I don’t care for beer, so I never tried it. Your stories of your mother crack me up. Have fun loving that new baby and Put Pie.
I can’t wait for your mom stories! Glad everyone’s doing well, except for the sleep deprivation.
“How ken t-chirts go on strike?”
Your mother is Roseanne Roseannadanna? 😉
Don’t feel too bad. I can’t tell I ever produced any milk when my son was born. He ended up in the hospital for dehydration because he’d rather nap then feed and I wasn’t too fond of the process either. While there, they discussed pumping my breasts and the thought so overwhelmed me that I said no. I felt awful. Having done Bradley classes, I was convinced that I was a loser if I didn’t breastfeed my kid at least until 2. And my relatives told me it would come naturally. Really?! Someone forgot to tell me or him that. I was so relieved when I flipped over to bottle feedings. I haven’t looked back once.
you know with the teacher problems around the country (certainly Wisconsin) you could make a funny T-shirt about the situation.
The last car that left us was by way of donation. I know that doesn’t do you any good moneywise but the way it was handled was very easy. Before that I would sell the old cars at small dealers. I’d shop a few and then settle. I don’t care to deal with off the street sales because of trusting the check, and the fact that most inquires are really people trying to price their car.
Did you choose that quote with me in mind? (It’s perfect.)
I applaud your commitment to breastfeeding, and I look forward to more funny stories about your mom. Maybe it would help to see your mom as a stranger? It might help you feel less annoyed.
You know what they say… If it’s not one thing, it’s your Mother.
Hang in there. xo jj
That story about your mum is priceless!
I cannot wait for more stories about your mom. I love when you phnetically tell us how she sounds. LOVE it!
Good for you on the breastfeeding. I had a wonderful experience with all 3 of my girls, I know that I am an exception. My sister had such a hard time with her little one. She doesn’t produce much either. It took a good couple of months for her to stop hating it. Now, she is really enjoying it. I hope your experience gets better too. Oh & HOLY SMOKES til Put Pie was 2… you go girl!
Glad the car thing went well. Uggghhhh the economy sucks! We are trying to refinance, but being a small business owner we have to jump through a few extra hoops. Plus we need to do a few repairs to our roof before we can go through with the refi… ummm hello, what do you think we wanted the refi for??? So backassward! Annoying!
Blessings to you & yours. xoxoxo
I know your mother drives you crazy, but I can’t wait to read the post about her! Your descriptions of her crack me up. I hope you’re able to relax & enjoy her help.
Good luck with the breast feeding, it was never easy for me with any of my three natural children.
that is a GREAT quote from mrs. roosevelt!! you know, so many people have so many crazy opinions about breast feeding! why? yea, it worked for me, but good grief, there is so much with the recovery after having children that sometimes the body just can’t do it! why do people stress new mothers out over this?? please don’t beat yourself up over the milk thing. you have enough going on right now that stressing over it would not help you at all. just find your rest when you can, enjoy the humorous mother moments… i hope things are going well for you!
Poor hearing is very hard to cope with–my dad had the same problem. He got to where he wouldn’t even bother trying to watch TV. As far as selling your car, convenience is definitely worth it sometimes.
Stopping by from FF.
I feel like an idiot for not checking in on you sooner! Congratulations to you and your family! I am so so so so happy for you! Get plenty of rest while your mom is there, can’t you just say you need a nap and lock you and the baby in your room? 🙂
Blessings xoxo
I know what you mean about moms! I also know what you mean by milk supply issues. Been there, done that! 🙂 Congratulations on your new baby!
Happy Friday Fragments!
Breastfeeding was hard work. It isn’t easy and it doesn’t just come naturally. Do you know about Kellymom? Google it if you don’t. It was practically my bible!! About the only advice I’d give you is put baby to the breast as much as possible- the more demand, the more production. It isn’t an instant fix- but that is what will signal the body to keep producing. And I’m betting you already know that. It’s just my way of letting you know that you’ve got support and to keep doing what you’re doing.
Sleep deprived and dealing with your Mom you are a saint! It’s nice she is there to help..and you are finding some humor in it. Have a wonderful weekend.
Ha ha. I never feel inferior “in bed”.
Good for you for continuing to breastfeed! Congratulations on your new baby! I totally get selling the car back to the dealership. Even if it’s less money, it’s so simple.
Congrats on your determination to breastfeed! That is wonderful! It sounds like selling the car back to the dealership was well worth it. Can’t wait to hear the “mom stories.”
Why is it our Mums always drive us mad, yet here we are hoping it will not happen to us with our daughters:)
I think convenience (especially in your case) is definitely worth it!
Moms can be so great….and so not great….all at the same time. It is their gifting.
Can.not.wait to hear about your mom not meeting Jerry Seinfeld.
Breastfeeding is certainly a commitment, regardless of the ease.I had trouble with baby #2 and felt the same feelings of inadequacy. While I’m 100% supportive of you to keep trying, remember that what’s most important is that the baby gets FED, no matter the source (like you need more advice…sheesh!)
Don’t feel bad. Lots of women, LOTS don’t make enough.
My milk never came in. You are doing a GREAT job.
Striking ‘t-chirts’! 😀 Sitting on the outside here that’s funny, although I do appreciate that when you’re sleep deprived it might be a little less funny.
I think you did the right thing about the car. Sometimes you need to look at things differently and re-prioritise for the sake of convenience and sanity. It’s one less thing to worry about now.
I look forward to reading the Mother Quips.
Hi Mami, Your Mom sounds so funny and I cannot wait to hear more stories involving her. Finances really suck around here lately too. We got rid of a car and the trailer we used to tow hubby’s motorcycle. However; I do have a book coming out very soon and you never know right? Let your Mom do her thing and get some sleep while you can 🙂
Glad your mom is there and helping out!
I still feel insecure, but I am trying to be positive. I know so much of it has to do with my mental state.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
… ::raises eyebrows::
I am praying for you. Very excited. : )
You are going to be just fine. Treasure your mother. She is the only one you have.
; )
Oh, how I love your mom! Can’t wait.
A T-shirt strike? I would freak. And I’m a teacher!
I always sell back to the dealership because I HATE the hassle of selling a car.
Hi love! I totally understand loving to have your mom there yet being made crazy by here. As Chris Rock ised to say… “I understand”.
Also, don’t be too hard on yourself with breastfeeding. It’s wonderful that you are committed but despite what some will say, not every woman produces enough. (I had a friend that would pump until she bled and never got more than an ounce. Finally, her doctor forced her to stop). Continue to do your best but remember to be kind to yourself.
Lots of love to you!
your mom has a lot of character – looking forward to more stories.
and good job on selling the car. sometimes I need to remind myself too that convenience is often worth the lower selling price. The headache is not worth it!!
Glad you and your little ones are doing well 🙂
Agghhh! I totally missed your sweet little girl’s arrival! CONGRATULATIONS! What a miracle!!!
You know, I feel your pain – I never EVER made more than about 3 ounces (on a good day!), and I worked with lactation nurses, La Leche League folks, etc. I did everything short of taking drugs. Breastfeeding was so hard for me, I always had to supplement, and I really struggled to not feel like a failure. A friend reminded me that it’s my job to feed my child – if that means supplementing, then GREAT! I’m doing my job!
Congratulations! So happy for you!
I miss you! Checking in on your blog to see how you’re coming along. Big hugs!
I miss you too. I wish you lived closer. Like across the street.