I am about 34 weeks pregnant. I waddle and have difficulty rolling over in bed. I’m still riding my stationary bike 40-50 minutes a day. I feel good for the most part, I just get tired easily. It is becoming necessary to ask for help with certain things. Fortunately, it seems that the bigger my belly gets, the more willing people are to help.
I am so friggin’ financially frustrated. I spent last week working on lowering my monthly expenses. I managed to lower them a bit. Then, I get a notice from my bank (Chase) letting me know that my totally free checking will no longer be free unless I meet certain requirements. Well, I don’t meet those requirements. If I stay with them I will have to pay $10 a month. That’s $120 dollars a year. So not worth it. Now I have to switch institutions, which is a pain in the butt because of direct deposit and online payments. I’m switching, but I am not happy about it.
I would love to just be able to write my banks and credit card companies with minimal notice and change my terms of service with them. For example to my bank I might send something like this:
Dear Suckers,
I’ve decided that the fees you are charging are ridiculous and unwarranted. I understand that a law passed that will not allow you to charge as much as you used to for ATM’s, well that sucks for you, but now you are making it suck for me by creating charges I’ve never had to pay before. ATM fees I could avoid with proper planning, but you are making these new charges unavoidable.
You know what really bothers me? What really bothers me is that if I had a lot of money you wouldn’t even subject me to these fees. You are basically charging me for being poor, but what would you do without all us poor folk. Our money ends up adding up and you know you use it to your advantage.
Anyway, from now on I am no longer accepting your fees and refuse to pay them. I will also be charging you for advertising. If you issue me a debit card/credit card or checks with your bank’s logo, then I expect to be compensated for it. I’m helping you get your brand noticed and I will no longer do it for free (See insert for fees).
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to apologize for being so greedy.
How you like me now?
-Unknown Mami
I am in the kind of mood where I could just spend this entire post bitchin’, but what is the point? Instead, I think I’ll share something I like with you. No one has asked or induced me to endorse this product, I am just telling you about it because I think it is great.
I love Egyptian Magic! When it runs out I run out to get more.
This all purpose skin cream is made of olive oil, beeswax, honey, pollen, royal jelly, and propolis extract. It is the texture of petroleum jelly, but so much better. You rub a tiny bit of it into your hand and can use it for all sorts of things. I use it as a night cream around my eyes, on my neck, and lightly over my face. I have extremely sensitive skin that does not tolerate many products, but I have no problem with Egyptian Magic. You can also use it on your hands, feet, and elbows as a great moisturizer. While pregnant, I rub it on my belly to help prevent stretch marks. In a pinch, I’ve used it in my hair to help with frizz when I’ve been out of hair product. If you have a burn or a bug bite, it’s a great balm. Basically, this stuff is the balm diggity and made out of all natural products.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie (don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind, and won’t change the subject.
You should put that letter to the bank on the internet, let lots of us sign and and send it off to your bank. You couldn’t have said it better for all of us.
Don’t even get me started on banks. They’re such bastards. Bastards I tell ya!
Bastards with ass faces I tell you.
Don’t even get me started on banks. They’re such bastards. Bastards I tell ya!
Ugh, sorry for commenting twice, I’m on my iPod Touch and touch screens are touchy. 🙂
I found you from Pumpkin Delight. I love your site. I’m going to poke around a little bit, but don’t worry I’ll put everything back where I found it!!
I’m always glad for the pregnancy update. Thanks. Wish I was there to help. That said, I WILL be in San Fran this summer! Maybe I can come over and snuggle your little cutie pies 🙂
Glad you got the banking thing off your chest–There’s just no need to charge (or pay) fees for banking.
As I scrolled down on your page, I stopped at a spot that made your fortune cookie look kind of naughty (in bed)!haha
I love your letter to the bank! I changed banks about a year ago for the same reason. My bank started charging fees if you dropped below a minimum balance in checking or savings, plus other fees. I found a bank with free checking and no minimum balance on savings. I hope you do too.
We got that notice from our bank, too. It really ticks me off, too because I know as soon as I change banks they will start imposing fees, too. I don’t see any free checking signs anywhere anymore. grrrrrr
It’s true. I am in the process of changing banks and I just figured out that the new one is about to change its policy too although, I think I will be able to still get the free checking as long as I sign up for direct deposit.
I think your letter is great and it’s good to see it posted. I’ve changed banks without doing anything. Our bank was acquired and then months later that bank was acquired. The best bank I ever used (it was also acquired) was a local one that would send their customers a birthday card with a fresh $2 bill in it. I gave some of the $2 bills to the kids but I still have some. Not much $2 per year but the nice feeling of being remember on my birthday was priceless. Unfortunately the bank could not stay local and was gobbled up by a bigger bank. Have you checked out the internet banks. I think one is ING Direct.
I have had a CHASE account for 30 years. I got the notice to keep $500 in there or pay a fee. Then I pointed out I had 2 IRA’s with them and they had over $500. They waived the fee then.
Your friday fragments post just made my evening! I have to say I absolutely love your candor and witty sense of humor. Thanks so much for sharing your fragments today! Love it!
I agree with you. And I used to work for a bank.
Our bank did the SAME thing here! (not a Chase bank it’s another one). And yeah, right…if I HAD THAT MUCH money in there to get the free checking? lol. Right. Ours though has a thing where you can also get waived fees for 5 withdrawls a month. Either atm, bill pay or checks. So that worked for me. Once they cancel that I’m out of there. This is why people keep money under their mattress.
That’s terrible what some banks charge in fees for everything! So far, I am very happy with Dollar Bank-still free checking there!
34 weeks…wow!!! Can’t wait to meet the new one!
I think I need to make a big switch too. My stupid bank charged me more then $20.00 in bank fees last month! Unacceptable. But you are right, it is SUCH a hassle.
Have a great weekend!
PS I bet you look fantastic:)
yes, the whole banking situation sucks. i hope you find something much better for your guys!!
i remember that pregnant feeling, do your feet swell up at all? mine sure did. i am amazed that you can still bike, i just could not do that!! that also explains some of the baby weight that hangs around, huh?? you go girl!! congrats on being first to fragment this week!!!
Last pregnancy my feet did swell, the left one more than the right. So far this pregnancy I haven’t had the swelling (knock on wood).
I hear you loud and clear on the bank BS. The more I deal with them the more I appreciate having a credit union. If you have one near you check it out – no crazy rules or insane fees.
I’ll have to look for the Egyptian Magic, that sounds wonderful. I’ve been using a night emollient cream from Mary Kay in exactly the same way.
Banks suck. Our money is in a credit union so we don’t pay any fees. Maybe you could do that?
BTW –where to buy the magical Egyptian Magic? 🙂
I get Egyptian Magic at Whole Foods, but my husband buys it for me online from Amazon, too.
Ohh…I’m making a Whole Foods run tomorrow morning. YAY! 🙂
Please promise me that you WILL send that letter to Chase and then transfer your money to a credit union. Most credit unions (around here anyway) have totally free checking. The only thing is they require you to keep a savings account with at least $100 in the account. Which we do………….
34 weeks?! Already?! I love hearing updates…and have flashbacks of my own prego belly…and me not being able to do certain things.
And I HATE BANKS. And it’s so true! Free accounts for those with lots of money…and charge out the ass for those that don’t?! Drives me batty!
And I have never heard of that cream. Sounds perfect for what I’m looking for. Down here they always recommend udder cream, but something that goes on cows udders seem to just need to stay there….and not on my hands, or feet, or elbows.
Happy Weekend!
Wow, 34 weeks! I’m sure it hasn’t felt like no time at all to you, but it seems like time has flown!
I’d look into credit unions in your area and see if you’re eligible to be a member. A lot only require residency now-a-days and they’re a lot less evil in terms of fees and general asshattery.
You are getting so close! Woohoo!
Sorry about the bank! I would call and see if there is anything they can do. Most of those letters are form letters that they send everyone, but they might waive the fees if you call and tell them you are considering moving your account.
Have a great weekend!
I did call the bank. They did nothing for me except reiterate what the letter said. Time to go to a credit union, I guess.
I think you should mail the letter it’s awesome! I received all kinds of letters talking about the changes in banking fees etc.. pisses me off! Super impress with your spinning dedication …..you rock! I hope you and your cute family have a wonderful weekend!
i saw a greeting card with a fortune cookie on the outside with a fortune (forget what it said) but on the inside… it said “in bed!” hahahaha
what’s stopping you from sending your former bank a piece of your mind?? i’d do it in a heartbeat! ggggggrrrrrr on banks.
This was one of your best. Eff Chase and their ridiculous fees. Banks and bankers as a whole, suck.
You are almost in the home stretch!
An interesting concept… US charging THEM!
Oh, I like your letter. We should all write one just like it. I hate those stupid fees!
Um. PLEASE send that letter. My brother just got slammed with those fees too. Hello, if I don’t have enough money to keep the expected balance, how the hell do you expect me to pay the fee?! Asshats.
I can’t believe that your little one will be here before you know it. I’m excited! That sucks with the bank, that just isn’t right.
I never heard of that lotion before, I will have to check it out. Have a nice weekend.
I’ve heard that most of the banks are going to be slapping on more fees. They suck.
My local bank that I switched to go “local” has just done this to me too. I have to research a new bank before I can switch….so frustrating! I have a wonder product, too, called bag balm. It’s kind of like a lotion mixed with vaseline. I’m lost when I’m out…however that’s only happened once because the container lasts for years.
I love that letter!
For $120 bucks a year I not only want free ATM, I want my money delivered to me gift wrapped on a silver platter by a barely dressed, lightly oiled fitness model.
Oh these banks are making me crazy and the hospitals yikes I had a gall bladder out jeeze they are talking like $98,000…I cannot afford the co-pay and if I request medicare I have to allow them to put a lean on my house…I do not know what is going on but you are right it aint helping the poor folks…
I however am determined to stay positive..all year..even when it is hard!
I feel you on the financial frustration – and I LOVE your letter!
Just saying the bank name Chase gave me shivers. Two years ago I had a big go-round with that particular bank and I have severed all contact with them. If I could I would run a world wide ad advising discriminating consumers against opening any account with Chase. I know it is a nuisance to make the necessary changes to online auto pay and auto deposits, but once you get past that you should have a little peace with no surprise fees. Good luck. Banking hassles can be so irritating. Especially for the regular folk. You are right, wealthy people do not get treated like this.
Haha, love your letter. USAA still has free checking, and you don’t have to be military or anything to open an account. I can even take pictures of checks with my cell phone to deposit.
Use that pregnant belly while you can. It makes people nicer.
I’ll have to try that Egyptian Magic. I’m in a super dry climate now and need something that’ll moisturize without irritating.
The mafia gets arrested for the same thing.
Banks suck.
You’re allowed to vent.
Banks. Is there anything more corrupt?! Well, maybe insurance companies. But banks are a close second.
That is exactly why I keep my money in a jar on top of my fridge. (Note to robbers: The jar has a lock on it.)
I think it’s more like the lock has a jar on it.
Bitching is ok. Bitching is good. And if you do decide to send the letter, do let us know the result. Maybe I’ll give it a try.
I’m so loving your letter to the bank… you and this old lady from UK: http://u.bb/3sH
I was just notified that I am part of a class action lawsuit against my bank and I am thrilled. My deposit didn’t clear before my checks did. I had enough to pay 3 checks that would have cleared and only had one that wouldn’t. (It was an honest math error on my part, thinking I had more in there than I did, and was negative 4 dollars.) They got busted doing their routine….let’s put the largest check through so all the other ones will bounce. Assholes. Obviously I am not alone..hence the class action that the customers WON. I will be getting back all my fees.
I did a post not long ago about these bastards. We have our mortgage, six checking (including two business accounts), and two savings accounts with them….and too many auto pay’s and direct deposits (and transfers between accounts) to close all of them. Though….if I could be certain that any other bank would be different, and I wouldn’t get socked with fees (mortgage etc) I would go through the hassle of changing it all.
On the up-side….you have a beautiful belly and I AM going to find your cream recommendation in my podunk town.
I absolutely, positively, with every fiber of my being, HATE Chase bank. They bought our mortgage a few years ago and it has been a living nightmare with them from day one.
Where do I sign your letter?
OMG- I love your letter! I swear it just doesn’t pay to be broke….
Ok, I know it’s not funny…but if you don’t laugh, you cry…..
Anyway, I’m here for Friday Fragments- on Monday!
Late, but still here!
My “mom” blog is at: http://www.comeonhome.net
I just love your letter to the bank, that could be adapted and sent off to so many companies that enjoy screwing the bottom feeders (like myself) lol.
I’m around 23 weeks pregnant and have already started the “no sleeping” issue. Oh well, practice for May I guess! lol Congrats on your pregnancy!