It’s been a rough week. I won’t give you a play by play, but one of the highlights was being vomited on multiple times Wednesday night. Good times. My daughter, Put Pie, ate something that did not agree with her and the whole night was spent trying to sooth her, taking showers, and doing laundry. Boy was I happy to have a washer and dryer and spare sheets.
I feel like I’m in college again and cramming. Fortunately, I don’t have to write any papers or take any tests. I’m on a mission to watch all the SAG Award nominated movies so that I can vote. This year the movies are being offered to eligible voters via download on iTunes, which is great since I never get a chance to go out and see movies in an actual theater. However, it is still crazy hard to watch a whole movie when you live with a toddler.
My daughter and I just do not have the same taste in movies. I suggest watching The Social Network, while she would rather watch a marathon of Barney and Friends. I try and tell her that Barney is not up for a SAG Award and she looks at me like that is the biggest injustice she has ever witnessed in her life. I’m going to say that she gets her taste in entertainment from her father’s side of the family.
I certainly did not grow up watching anything as tacky as this:
No, my family had much more refined tastes in childhood entertainment. I had the pleasure of watching a program with a far more debonair and classy hero: El Chapulin Colorado…
I mean a big purple dinosaur is just silly, but a red grasshopper is my kind of superhero. His intro is: Más ágil que una tortuga, más fuerte que un ratón, más noble que una lechuga, su escudo es un corazón… ¡Es el Chapulín Colorado! (More agile than a turtle, stronger than a mouse, nobler than lettuce, his shield is a heart… It’s the Red Grasshopper!)
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie (don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Don’t forget your friends, especially if they owe you money.
I’d go for a red grasshopper over a purple dinosaur any day!
Uh, hate to disagree w/ya UM, but a marathon of Barney might very well be the better choice (“The Social Network”… yet another TOTALLY overhyped/generously reviewed, made-for-TV movie). Then again, the thought of sitting through a marathon of Barney makes me nauseous… tough call 🙂
When you said you felt as if you were cramming for finals in college, I thought you were going to continue on with the baby blowing chunks. When my kids start barfing, I think of the good old days in college.
“The Social Network” was the last movie I watched in a theater. Good thing I watched “Inception” on DVD because pause and rewind are required for that complex plot. The problem I had with the FB story was that it was only loosely related to the real story. Mark Z. has spoken out about the story so it leaves me wondering if he really is that arrogant.
Oh yes El Chapulin looks so much better lol. They both are a lil freaky if you ask me. Bummer Put Pie h has bren under the weather, sounds a bit like my house the last 5 days
Give me the red grasshopper! Down with Barney!!!
Oddly, Barney now reminds me of Peru…as he was roaming the streets when I was there. There’s no escape!
Really? That guy is pretty funny looking! I love it.
Here’s to a puke-free weekend! 🙂
LOL!!! oh my goodness, that grasshopper is hilarious! I should see if I can find him online for Q to watch. lol! … she’s never seen Barney – please don’t tell her he exists!! She’s on a wonderpets kick right now, tho.
I hope Put Pie feels better soon!!
El Chapulin Colorado is way cooler than some dumb ol’ dinosaur! We still watch old reruns of El Chapulin Colorado, Chespirito and El Chavo del 8! My kids love him! 🙂
I’m thinking there is no way that your red grasshopper (with the strangely awesome intro) is more annoying than that purple dinosaur, so I would be a fan.
It is very fun that you get to vote for the SAG awards. Of course, maybe it is less fun when you have to cram all the movies in like that.
I hope Put Pie is feeling better!
LOL… ‘nobler than a lettuce’. 😀
I love your superhero! Too funny. So sorry about your daughter’s poor taste in movies. Let’s hope that you can change her taste as she matures!
Loving the red grasshopper! *L* I hope all is well hon, looking forward to catching up on your blog and seeing how you are. xx
I too would take a red grasshopper over a purple dinosaur named Barney any day…I remember the days of not having a washer and dryer at home and having to haul everything to the laundramat…not fun hauling stinking vomit bedding and clothes…hope she is feeling much better!
The last movie I saw in a theater (where children weren’t involved–which means excluding Harry Potter) was Silence of the Lambs (early 1990’s). No kidding. I really don’t have a life.
And,,,,,why does your grasshopper look so tired? I can almost hear him saying “why the hell am I here??”
I can’t remember the last movie I saw in a theater, but I’m sure it was something after Silence of the Lambs. You have me beat.
Barney? Barney who? That was our standard line when Dominic was very young. I just couldn’t take it. Now the Boo Bahs were a bit hit which kinda freak people out. I didn’t mind them. 🙂
That big red grasshopper kinda trips me out…especially those pants.
woohoo on being first tis week! ugh, those lovely parenting nights are just yucky!! i believe my first was also the one to do that to me the most. after children, i told hubby i required a washer in our place, not haveing hike to a laundromat 🙁
your super hero is great!! i was a GI Joe and Thundercats fan. thank you for sharing that with us.
I find Barney to be annoying, obnoxious, and unfortunately catchy (the songs get stuck in your head, and it’s just bad) … but I never would have gotten the dishes done or college papers written if it wasn’t for “Mr. Purple” lol. This too shall pass 🙂
Oh that purple dinosaur is annoying! My special needs grandson would watch him for hours 🙁
I take care of old people during the day and one of my old people had a bug and runned and vomited all over (and I mean all over) for hours…yuk…but I was sad for her. So I just kept cleaning her up and keeping her warm.
She ended up in the hospital dehydrated but is fine now…
I hope you get to relax a bit over the weekend!
er – right – what exactly is that hanging out of the grasshopper’s shorts?
and you say this is for kids right?
I don’t know—that red grasshopper doesn’t appear to have much in the way of super hero qualities! lol
Omg Barney gives me nightmares! Im glad Putin pie feels better that totally sucks! Have a great weekend!
We have always added “said Tim as he picked up an axe” to the end of our fortunes. BTW – TMI on the vomit train.
Bwahahahahahaaha!!! I love your old show hero!!!
Either I didn’t know you have a SAG card or I forgot. How cool! You’re a good person to actually watch all the nominated movies with a wee one. I wonder how many other voters actually do it?
Too funny. I can only imagine his theme song.
Loving your grasshopper dude! And I think I just added to my vocabulary – gracias!
If my husband wasn’t asleep just feet away from me, I would have roared loudly at the photo of the red grasshopper. Instead I had to giggle to myself. What a hoot. I hope the soon to be big sister is feeling better today.
OMGoodness, if you could only see me when I was reading this post. I was jumping up and down!! I never knew anyone who vote for movie awards. Now that I do…Whoopie!! *gathers composure* Please, please vote for Black Swan and Inception. As a film student drop-out, I think both movies out-weigh Social Network in terms of screenplay and performance.
Now that I had my spill… LOL! Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I hope your DD feels better.
It’s an interesting year at the movies– Not one huge standout– I think the wins will be spread out between King’s Speech, The Fighter and Social Network… but time will tell.
Hope Put Pie is feeling better,
xo jj
Nobler than lettuce? I don’t think Barney could say that.
I never heard of your tv personality. I must be one zillion years older than you : )
Isn’t it funny how much little children love Barney? It just blows my mind. At least he does teach nice lessons that we all want our children to know.
I hope things start looking up soon. We had a pretty bad week in our casa as well : (
I’ll tell you a secret, before Put Pie was born I hated Barney and was sure I would never let her watch him. Then somehow she saw him and she really likes him. I don’t find him as annoying as some other characters she is fond of. He’s not my favorite, but he’s doesn’t grate on my nerves as much as some others.
You know, he does look pretty noble, but I’m not so certain he’d win the battle against a lettuce head.
Did you ever see “Electra Woman and Dyna Girl”? It was two women in tights starting out tied up by bad guys. They escape and then get captured again by someone else before the end of the episode for the cliffhanger. Crazy kinky!
Great television for kids, I tell you.
Hope Put Pie is all better and you are rested up. As for the Mexican channel…is there anything better? I think not. My husband thinks I’m crazy because I love the Mexican novelas. I like to make up my own subtitles.
I tried really, really hard to avoid Barney when my kids were little.