Guess what? I am not perfect. Nope. And neither are my kids. For the most part I share the good, quirky, or humorous parts of my parenting experience, but today I’m coming out of the closet. Today, I am going to share a part of my life as a parent that I absolutely hate. That’s right, I said HATE!
I hate putting Put Pie to bed. I hate it! I always have. It is the least pleasant part of my day to say the least, sometimes it’s downright awful. She has never liked sleeping. Argh!!!
This is not an invitation to give me advice, I’m just venting. I’ve read all the books; I’ve made her bedtime earlier; I’ve made her bedtime later; I’ve co-slept, I’ve had her sleep alone; I’ve tried the no cry method; I’ve tried the cry it out method where I sit there and just cry until she finally goes to sleep.
There are a few nights when she will go to sleep easily. There are enough of those nights to give me hope that some day this horror will end, but most nights I spend far too much time getting her to go to sleep. Time I would rather be spending with my husband or enjoying a little time to myself.
Almost 2 months into it and it appears that my youngest and I are finally getting the hang of breastfeeding. She is still not the best mother sucker, but she is doing so much better. I’m thrilled and it means I won’t have to spend as much time pumping. Pumping sucks! Haha, get it?
When you have a newborn people like to stop and take a peak. This week while we were at the grocery store, I was stopped by an elderly woman. Luna Pie was taking a bottle at the time. It’s a weird looking bottle that helps her with suck training. Anyway, the woman was asking me all kinds of questions about the bottle, if I was giving her expressed milk, if and when I pumped. She asked me how my milk supply was doing and when I told her my supply was good she answered, “Well good because those breasts of yours are monsters!” Seriously?! Who walks up to a stranger and tells them their breasts are monsters? A monster, that’s who! Takes one to know one.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie (don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Your many hidden talents will become obvious to those around you.
Whoa… you’re not perfect? I think you are! 😉
Ha ha ha! Yah, that might have been crossing the line a little bit!
My daughter didn’t sleep good for the first two years of her life and it’s a big reason why she is an only child. Sorry I had to laugh about the lady in the store…who does that seriously the nerve. Have a wonderful weekend and I see a mother of the year award in the future…better start writing the speech!
Some people…Unbelieveable. And I DO think you’re perfect; perfectly wonderful.
i hope the sleeping thing gets better, my oldest NEVER wanted to sleep!! it was horrible. and nothing worked, no matter how many people told me so many different things, he just does not sleep. still doesn’t as a 10yr old. hang in there, they eventually play quietly so you can sleep 🙂
i can’t believe a stranger would say that either!!! holy cow, well, at least it was a lady right? can you imagine a guy saying that?? nuts!!
OH! MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Been there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HECK???????? I’m laughing so hard I can’t type. LOL! Why do people think they can ask you anything just because you have a new baby? Why do people think they can say anything just because you have a new baby??? My own mother grabbed my stomach and squeezed shortly after my fourth was born…and said, “Boy you have a lot of work to do.” Unbelievable!!!!! Ugggggg!
Heres another one ~ Why do people think just because you have kids under six they can give you free advice? When I’m alone with my four year old daughter I can’t believe the advice I am given. . .I don’t ask. . .I don’t think I walk around looking perplexed. But the unsolicited advice amazes me. And then there is the people who want to tell me what to expect next from my daughter . . . I’ve gotten to the point that I ask if this person is a pediatrician? They usually respond with a “No” I have a five year old, or they give some number…” I then say “Oh! You have one child? ” Yes usually follows…and then I go on to say well she’s my fourth. . . Thanks! and walk away.
Bed time ~ No advice here!!!!!!!!!! My kids range from 18 to 4 and I STILL! do not know how to get any of them to bed! or out of bed for that matter! LOL!!!!!!
I think bed time is even harder when your your kids have health issues.
And YES! Pumping SUCKS!!!!!!!! I’ve done that too. 🙂
How rude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Makes for a great story, but totally rude, nonetheless.
And, I will give you a ton of sympathy for Put Pie not going to sleep. Hopefully Luna Pie will be totally different. And congratulations on the breastfeeding, too. That’s awesome!
Luna Pie! 🙂
Seriously???? Who makes a comment on a strangers’ breasts? Insane!!!
I can’t believe how rude some people can be! Hope bed time becomes a fun time soon.
what an ‘ole’ bitty….
I am still amazed at how few people have filters left between their brains and their mouths… especially when it comes to pregnancy and babies… happy Friday!
Monster boobs? Do they have teeth? Do they growl? 🙂 People are such weirdos.
funny – if that was a guy you probably would have had him arrested.
I’ve been playing around with making animated clip and found this – I think you’ll like it – here’s your cookie
Our first kid was like a breeze when it came to the zz’s. This next one has been a nightmare and that is the irony. Hope things start getting a little sleepier timey soon.
Speaking of April Fools, I did an April Fools prank on some of the 6th graders in my school. Video now on my blog.
Good grief! I can’t believe anyone is that tacky and rude! Did you tell her that her mother wears army boots?
People say the weirdest things to new moms! Hope you had a good comeback!
I can’t believe she said that too you! Hope you have a great weekend and I hope Put Pie goes to bed for you!!!
Seriously?!?!?! What are people thinking. That is beyond rude.
Hope your weekend is sleep-filled and easy.
xo jj
I’ve been known to say “what a beautiful baby” but never to comment on the size or shape of the mother……LOL though……maybe…….I’m sure you handled it very gracefully.
It is hard for some kids to want to go to sleep, so afraid they will miss something. Years from now they will welcome the ability to sleep and sleep and sleep in their teen years. But in the meantime, hang in there…….I know it is hard!
Oh bloody hell, that woman in the supermarket needs a slap with a wet fish! That *whole* conversation was completely inappropriate because it’s none of her ruddy business and as for making personal comments? How dare she!
You know I always found it quite extraordinary when complete strangers asked to touch my pregnant belly but this, here, really takes the biscuit!
Monster breasts? Good retort. Takes one to know one. On a side note, breastfeeding in Honduras is a normal thing, but also one enjoyed by everyone in the room or area. EVERYONE watches and coos over the baby and mama. And yes, remarks about breasts are common here, too. Not just lower class. I had a bank manager friend who took me to his brother’s house who was a doctor. One of the highlights of the day was sitting in a circle to watch the doctor’s wife breastfeed the baby. This trip was one of my first to Honduras, and I endured it as best I could. My cultural experience said, No thanks. I’d rather watch TV.
I love your stories. As for that lady, she obviously has no manners!
OMG! Some people. Some people obviously feel intimidated by monster breasts. Good thing the new generations don’t. That’s why almost everyone gets a boob job. Big Boobs are more common than not anymore. Elderly people can be funny that way. My mom used to have an adult care home. She made it feel like a real home with pictures on the wall. My beauty school graduation picture was on the wall and needless to say I had big hair and lot’s of makeup. So lil’ ol’ pastors wife would pass by my picture, call me a hussy and tell me “You just think you’re so cute.” lol Can you imagine? (In all fairness to her, she had Alzheimer’s disease. I don’t have kids but I’m sure you are in great company with your concerns, even though some moms know it all. You should check out this post about know it all moms.
I just noticed the name! Luna Pie~I love it! Mami, we are not Stepford Wives. Parenting is tough work. I’m not offering advice but will say that, I hear you. Parenting is not always fun.
I “failed” at breastfeeding so any pain you are going through I can only imagine and any joy you are feeling for getting a hang of it finally I am happy for you.
Sleep or the lack of sleep… Yes, listen to me: it really does get better. You really have to decide what’s the best for your family and then go ahead and do it (or don’t do it) and DO NOT LOOK BACK AND DO NOT FEEL GUILTY! I just have to say it is not until this year I finally have my evenings back since I no longer need to sleep with my youngest to get him to sleep. And you know how old he is…
Monsters? Really?? Sometimes people just blow my mind.
“Mother sucker” cracked me up! I’m glad it’s getting better.
I wish I had a magic secret for putitng Put Pie to bed. My kids were pretty easy in that way. NOW the 10 year old drives me crazy at bedtime though, she makes excuses to get up about 10x a night! Ack! lol