This Sunday will be my 2 year blogiversary. In two years, I’ve posted over 400 times and received over 10,000 comments. Can you believe that? 10,000 comments! Doesn’t that seem like a lot? I remember anxiously awaiting my first comment and feeling overjoyed when I got it. I still get a thrill every time I get a comment. If you have left one of those comments: THANK YOU!
Blogging has been a wonderful addition to my life. It has allowed me to be creative and commune with others on my own schedule. It has given me the courage to express myself with my own words.
In the beginning, I used to check my numbers all the time. I was curious to see how many people were stopping by daily and where they were from; it got a little obsessive. I don’t do that anymore, but in honor of my blogiversary I took a peak at the numbers.
In the last month I had visitors from 55 countries, who spoke 22 different languages.
How did these people find me? Some of them already knew me, but some came through keyword searches. Let me share some of these lovelies with you…
- Retractable Christmas lights (One of my many ideas that I’ve never really followed through with)
- Second hand fart (Click the link if you want a laugh)
- 13 weeks pregnant
- dumped by my doctor
- my vagina is so big
- 10 reasons your husband doesn’t get it
- four letter word insults
Hmmm… I don’t know how I feel about some of those, but I guess I’m happy to be found.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie (don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Courtesy is contageous.
I didn’t realize you had only been blogging a few months longer than I! You’ve done a great job of building it. Good for you!
Thank you!
Congratulations on your achievement very impressive statistics 🙂
I don’t remember how I found you (probably not by searching my vagina is so big), but I am very glad I did.
I’m glad you found me too.
Blogging has been an interesting prospect — I’ve met so many fantastic people that I otherwise would never have known. So congratulations, and thanks. 🙂
Happy Blogiversary! I am so glad you and I met, you are one of my most favorite bloggers.
I’m a little perturbed that someone found your blog through searching ‘my vagina is so big’! ROFL!!
I’m just LOLing at “my vagina is so big.” HAHAHAHA!! Happy blogoversary!
Woohoo…congrats! You’ve done quite a lot in a short time, my friend.
Happy Blogversary!
Glad to find you through FF. Hoping to come back more regularly now. I have missed meeting new bloggers.
Congratulations on two years!
Ohhh. PERFECT Fortune cookie today. 😉 Awesome and Happy Blogaversary!
great achievement!
good for you and i’m so glad for you as well.
Holy shit, two years?? You’ve built yourself quite the little (unknown) kingdom in two years, haven’t you? Your blog is what my blog wants to be when it grows up.
You made me smile.
Well then I’ve done my good deed for the day, haven’t I? 😉
sheesh – you didn’t warn me you were going to post the search I did when exploring my vagina!!! 😀
Congratulations on your blogoversary AND those 10000 comments! Clearly you have something that people want to read. Hell … I keep coming back …
happy bloggaversary! Not sure how to spell that! second hand farts…hmmm, shall go there I’m in the mood for a laugh!
Alright, I’ll fess up to that dumped by my doctor one, but that vagina is too big was definitely someone else.
Congrats on your blogaversary! and many more!
Wish I knew what type of searches took place for people to find me. I could use a laugh. Congrats on the two years. You deserve the attention you get. You are a good and creative writer.
Two years – Wow. It seems like you’ve always been blogging. I guess I found you around the time you started blogging. Sure am glad I did.
The keyword searches that find me aren’t nearly as humorous! LOL
Congrats on all your blogging success!
I’m happy I found you Mami. After reading Second Hand Fart I wish my blog was anonymous so I could let those kind of stories rip. 😉
Have early blog anniversary….I wish I can remember how I found you…probably Mrs. 4444’s and your Sunday in the City. I’m glad I found you lots of laughs, some tears and always a smile! Have a great weekend!
Congrats on such a great achievement! And the ways people found you are too funny!
I’ve enjoyed your posts and therefore am glad you kept at it. Keep on keepin on – enjoy this clip (I need to learn move like those)
Congratulations a day early!
I am so glad you love blogging so much : )
You always make me smile!
I love visiting.
Thanks for the giggles and happy blogiversary.
I wonder how we found each other….hm….Oh well…I’m just glad we did:) You’re one of my favorite bloggers. Happy Blogiversary, again 🙂
I know exactly how we found each other. I had just started blogging, I wrote a post one Friday and called it Fragmented Fridays. That same day, I went to read someone’s blog that I follow and they were participating in your Friday Fragments and I thought we must be kindred spirits. I’ve been following you and linking up for FF ever since. I believe I’ve done over 75.